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    Jewish Museum in Prague. Editorial Board: Daniel Baránek (Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences,Jewish Museum in Prague), Pavel Kocman (Charles University in Prague, Society for the History of Jews in the Czech Republic), Lenka Matušíková (National Archives, Prague, retired), Martina Niedhammer (Collegium Carolinum, Munich), Arno Pařík (Jewish Museum in Prague, retired), Daniel Soukup (Palacký University Olomouc, Institute of Czech Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Jiřina Šedinová (Charles University in Prague), Magda Veselská (Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague): Judaica Bohemiae, Prague
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    Editorial Board: Daniel Baránek (Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences,Jewish Museum in Prague), Pavel Kocman (Charles University in Prague, Society for the History of Jews in the Czech Republic), Lenka Matušíková (National Archives, Prague, retired), Martina Niedhammer (Collegium Carolinum, Munich), Arno Pařík (Jewish Museum in Prague), Daniel Soukup (Palacký University Olomouc, Institute of Czech Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Jiřina Šedinová (Charles University in Prague), Magda Veselská (Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes, Prague): Judaica Bohemiae, Prag
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    Židovské muzeum v Praze / Jewish Museum in Prague Editorial Board: Daniel Baránek (Institute of History of the Czech Academy of Sciences,Jewish Museum in Prague), Pavel Kocman (Charles University in Prague, Society for the History of Jews in the Czech Republic), Lenka Matušíková (National Archives, Prague, retired), Martina Niedhammer (Collegium Carolinum, Munich), Arno Pařík (Jewish Museum in Prague), Daniel Soukup (Palacký University Olomouc, Institute of Czech Literature of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic), Jiřina Šedinová (Charles University in Prague), Magda Veselská (Prague): Judaica Bohemiae, Prag
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    Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 70 (2020), 23–25, Bonn
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    Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 70 (2020), 6–7, Bonn
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    Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 65 (2015), 47–48, Bonn
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    Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung: Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte 64 (2014), 24–26, Bonn
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    Masaryk Institut und Archiv der Tschechischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: Střed. / Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in 19th and 20th Centuries 4 (2012), 1, Prag
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    Masaryk Institut und Archiv der Tschechischen Akademie der Wissenschaften: Střed. / Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in 19th and 20th Centuries 3 (2011), 2, Prag
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    HATiKVA - Bildungs- und Begegnungsstätte für jüdische Geschichte und Kultur Sachsen e.V.: MEDAON 4 (2010), 6, Dresden
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