Master "European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives" (Kath. Univ. Leuven)

Master "European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives" (Kath. Univ. Leuven)

Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Leuven, Belgium
Vom - Bis
21.09.2009 -
Prof. dr. Patrick Pasture

The “Master of European Studies: Transnational and Global Perspectives” is an interdisciplinary study programme that deepens your knowledge of what Europe was, is and is becoming in the 21st century. The programme introduces you to the study of Europe as a continent of strong interactions across national boundaries and of constant exchange with the outside world. It provides you with tools to adequately analyse Europe as an actor in the formation of the modern and contemporary world. The focus of the programme is a multidimensional analysis of the political, historical, cultural, economic and judicial aspects that shape the current position of Europe as a region of internal and global interactions. In today’s era of globalisation the position of Europe constantly changes. Europe is deeply involved in globalisation processes. And our programme puts this into perspective.

The Master of European Studies is part of the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on 'The European Union', Foreign Policy and Global Governance', which focuses on research and education on the foreign policy of the European Union, its external relations and its role in global governance. The Master of European Studies takes part in the Erasmus Mundus External Cooperation Window with Russia and India.

This interdisciplinary programme engages students to study Europe as a transnational community in constant interaction with other world regions. The programme offers insight and knowledge about the functioning of Europe both in the contemporary world and in a historical perspective. Students acquire methodological and theoretical skills that enable them to participate in scholarly research about Europe and to produce original research. Interaction with staff members of various disciplines and faculties (Social Sciences, History, Arts, Law, Economics, Theology) exposes students to a wide range of approaches to scientific study and research about Europe. Students are trained to communicate research results to a diverse audience.

Students acquire skills to identify and assess issues and problems with respect to Europe’s past, present and future. The programme provides them with templates to situate these issues and problems in their proper context in order to suggest adequate solutions. The programme emphasizes strongly the need to engage in critical debate about the options and alternatives that confronts Europe in its interaction with other actors in the world and with respect to its internal, diversified identities

Students choose between two modules. The module Transnational Perspectives on European Diversity and Culture illuminates European political, religious and cultural diversities from a transnational and historical perspective. The module The European Union, Globalisation and Governance analyses the external policies and relations of the European Union within a context of globalisation and new forms of global governance.

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