MA "Roads to Democracy(ies)" (Univ. Siegen)

MA "Roads to Democracy(ies)" (Univ. Siegen)

Universität Siegen, Fachbereich 1
Vom - Bis
01.10.2010 -
Frindte, Maria

„Roads to Democracy(ies)“ – An Interdisciplinary Master’s Programme in History, Political Science and Sociology (University of Siegen)

Application Deadline: 31.08.2010

The University of Siegen encourages qualified candidates for “Roads to Democracy(ies) – An Interdisciplinary Master’s Programme in History, Political Science and Sociology” (120 ECTS credits) to submit their applications for the Winter Semester 2010/11.

“Roads to Democracy(ies)” is an international, interdisciplinary and research-oriented Master of Arts programme that combines methods and approaches from history, political science and sociology. The two-year full-time programme is offered by the University of Siegen in cooperation with the Universities of Uppsala (Sweden) and Coimbra (Portugal). It includes an integrated study abroad period of 1-2 semesters at one of the two partner universities. The core language of the programme is English.

Aims of the programme:
The purpose of the programme is to provide students with knowledge of and insights into the development of democracies. The programme focuses on political, social, historical and cultural aspects of democratic ideas, institutions and structures in Europe and beyond. Students of Roads to Democracy(ies) will develop a broad, comparative understanding of the mechanisms behind democratic transitions from a historical and social scientific perspective and will acquire the competence to assess present-day democratic developments on a national and supra-national level.
Furthermore, students will obtain insights into comparative research methods in history and social science and will acquire the ability to plan, carry out and present their own research projects.
Graduates of the Master’s programme will be qualified to continue their studies to obtain a PhD degree. The programme also provides a good basis for a variety of positions at, for example, organisations and institutions on a European and international level.

Programme structure and curriculum:
Roads to Democracy(ies) is a four semester full-time programme (120 ECTS credits).
The programme comprises compulsory modules as well as optional courses. The core programme includes four Thematic Modules that reflect the different focus areas of the three universities: Democratization, Political Cultures and Media I/ II (Siegen), Democratization and Welfare (Uppsala), and Democratization and Globalisation (Coimbra).
Additionally, a Theory and Methods Module belongs to the programme that consists of two innovative elements: the two joint blended e-learning courses “Democracy in Theory and Practice” and “Theory and Methods of History and Social Sciences” which are attended by students of each participating university in the first semester. The compulsory part of the study programme is completed by the Thesis Module consisting of thesis forums that provide an opportunity for academic exchange during the first three semesters, the Master's thesis and the Master's thesis presentation.
Furthermore, students can choose between various optional elements, including transferable skills and language courses, additional thematic seminars and internships.

Graduates of the programme will be awarded a Master of Arts degree. A Joint Master’s degree will be introduced in the near future.

The University of Siegen charges tuition fees of 500 € per semester. During the study period abroad no tuition fees will be charged at the partner or home institution. The additional administrative fees of 205 € per semester include the semester ticket for free public transport within North Rhine-Westphalia. In order to finance their semester abroad students can apply for different grants, for example, within the frame of the Erasmus programme. German students are funded by the DAAD programme for “International Integrated Double Degree Programmes”.

Application and admission requirements:
Applicants for the M.A. programme need to have a first academic degree (BA degree or equivalent) in history, political science, sociology or in a related field of study with a final grade of at least "good" (B). Furthermore, applicants need to provide proof of a very good command of English (usually equivalent to Level C1 of the CEFR).

The final application deadline is 31 August 2010.

Further details on the study programme and the admission requirements are available at:

Programme director:
Prof. Dr. Raphaela Averkorn
Universität Siegen
Fachbereich 1
Adolf-Reichwein-Straße 2
57068 Siegen

Contact and Information:
Maria Frindte, M.A.
Tel.: +49 (0) 271-740 2330