Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists

Katja Naumann

Liebe Leserinnen und Lesern,

fortan wird das Fachforum geschichte.transnational als elektronische Zeitschrift Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists fortgeführt. Sie informiert über aktuelle Trends in der Globalgeschichte und verbindet sie mit Erträgen der Area Studies, transregionaler Ansätze und der sozialwissenschaftlichen Globalisierungsforschung.

Wir würden uns freuen, wenn Sie die Entwicklungen des Forschungsfeldes mit uns gemeinsam verfolgen und Connections (weiter) abonnieren. Zugleich hoffen wir, dass Sie aus Ihrer eigenen Forschung beitragen und möchten Ihnen hierfür nachfolgend die verschiedenen Rubriken von Connections vorstellen.

Mit besten Grüßen,
Matthias Middell und Katja Naumann


Connections. A Journal for Historians and Area Specialists

Connections is a peer-reviewed e-journal in the field of area, transnational, transregional, world and global histories, edited on the behalf of the European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH) by Matthias Middell (Global and European Studies Institute and Centre for Area Studies at the University of Leipzig) and Katja Naumann (Leipzig Centre for the History and Culture of East Central Europe).
Connections is a part of the H-Soz-u-Kult, Clio-online and H-Net network, which acts as an information and communication platform. The editors are supported by the Steering Committee of ENIUGH in the peer-review process, which is based upon cooperation between research units across Europe. The editorial office is connected to the ENIUGH headquarters and is located at the Centre for Area Studies at the University of Leipzig.
Connections continues the work of geschichte.transnational, which has been published as a review forum since 2004. Today, Connections broadens the perspective by also addressing global and transregional as well as transnational entanglements that increasingly characterize our present world.
The journal encourages contributors to transcend a traditional understanding of space as a container within which societal processes occur and to instead investigate the dynamics resulting from such entanglements. Connections, however, does not solely concentrate on border-crossing flows but also looks at attempts to reorganize control over and regulation of such flows by all kinds of politics, among them prominently the politics of respacing. In this capacity, the journal organizes interdisciplinary cooperation between historians, social scientists and specialists in the various area studies as well as in the newly emerging field of transregional studies.

Connections seeks scholarly articles that have a specific focus on border-crossing flows of people, goods, capital, ideas, and other cultural patterns, as well as viruses, pollution, and effects of climate change. We give preference to articles that address not only the qualitative or quantitative measurement of such flows but as well take into consideration the resulting processes of revising forms of control over these flows. This revision may take the form of new institutions, spatial formats, social habits, or ideologies, to mention but a few. We also welcome articles with theoretical and methodological considerations as well as papers on the role of transnationalism and transregionalism when it comes to the formation of collective memory.
The rigorous double-blind peer-review process exercised by an international body of reviewers will guarantee the high quality of the e-journal. Connections will publish up to 30 research articles a year. As all articles will be published under the open-access policy of the e-journal, for submission all authors must accept these rules. Connections will make the articles immediately available to everyone via its website (gold open access) and authors are allowed to post the published version on their personal/ departmental website as well as place it in their institution’s official repository by connecting to the e-journal’s website.
Before proposing a contribution, please have a look at the guidelines for authors on the website.
Connections only accepts texts that are not yet published and not being considered for publication elsewhere. The journal accepts articles in English, French, and German. Concerning length, for readability we advise not to go beyond 15,000 characters or 3,000 words; however, we know that there may be cases where such limits are not appropriate. Articles shall not exceed in any case a length of 6,000 words (including footnotes) and shall contain an abstract of 100–150 words.

Roundtables, Interviews, Conference Reports
Connections organizes roundtables on specific topics in the field of transregional and transnational histories where authors from different backgrounds share and debate their views. The journal publishes the outcome of such debates under a specific category, together with interviews held with scholars active in the field. There is also space for reports on academic gatherings, and we invite organizers to contact the journal before the workshop or conference and to have a look at our instructions for authors concerning this kind of contribution.

Miscellaneous, Research Activities & Projects, Research Notes
Connections invites research centres and departments to report regularly on their activities and outcomes as long as it centrally related to the main field of interest of the journal. In this way, we hope to provide a valuable service to the scholarly community by circulating knowledge about possible international partners for larger collaborative work.
Connections also offers the opportunity to submit smaller research notes (up to 2,000 characters or 300 words) in order to inform colleagues about ongoing research as well as to share information about new archives, statistics, pictures, editions, and other interesting material.

Even though transnational careers become more and more the standard in area and transregional studies as well as in world and global history, the respective job markets often remain non-transparent to people not coming from the respective academic community. Connections offers the possibility to announce new positions or to monitor recruitment processes, thereby allowing for greater pools of talent to be contacted. In the interest of universities and research centres, we invite such institutions to submit information about new job opportunities. To ensure fair competition, please send announcements far in advance of the application deadline.

Connections, itself being a product of the ongoing transnationalization in the humanities and social sciences, aims at facilitating scholarly dialogue across the boundaries of national academic cultures, linguistic areas, and disciplinary definitions of subject matters. It therefore has a focus on reviewing forthcoming or recently published publications, including books as well as current issues of thematically relevant journals. We welcome suggestions for such reviews both from publishers and scholars. Reviews should be no longer than 1,200 words. The selection will be made by the Board of Review Editors.
The board of review editors currently consists of: Gilad Ben-Nun, Geert Castryck, Antje Dietze, Steffi Marung, Megan Maruschke, Dietmar Müller, Uwe Müller, Adam Skordos, Jan Zofka
Please note that we will not return unrequested review copies.

Connections provides a space for announcing upcoming conferences, workshops and research seminars as well as for the publication of call for papers.

In order to serve as an entry point for bibliographic research, Connections provides information about journals in the field of area, global and transregional studies and their current content. Depending on the data made available by the publishers and editors of the respective journals, links to content or bibliographic information of individual articles are provided.

For all above-mentioned categories, please e-mail submissions to the journal’s editorial assistants. Please provide your manuscript only as a Word document (please do not submit a PDF).

Editorial assistants: Veronika Gugel; Forrest Kilimnik, MA; Antje Zettler
Centre for Area Studies at the University of Leipzig

While there is no need to subscribe to the journal to be published in Connections, we of course encourage regular reading and engagement.
To subscribe to Connections, please send an email to

You can also register for connections at MY CLIO:

The journal’s editors decide upon the acceptance of submissions for publication and organize the peer-review process. They also make the decision on the acceptance of new subscribers to the e-journal. The editors are supported by the Steering Committee of ENIUGH in the peer-review process, which is based upon cooperation between research units across Europe.

Nadia Al-Bagdadi, Central European University, Budapest (Hungary)
Gareth Austin, Cambridge University (UK)
Carlo Marko Belfanti, Department of Social Sciences, University of Brescia (Italy)
Stefano Belucci, University of Leiden / International Institute for Social History Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Michel Espagne, ENS, Paris (France)
Zaur Gasimov, Orient-Institut Istanbul (Turkey)
Giovanni Gozzini, University of Siena (Italy)
Regina Grafe, Departement of History, Northwestern University (USA)
Margarete Grandner, University of Vienna (Austria)
Yuval Harari, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel)
Michael Harbsmeier, Roskilde University (Denmark)
Markéta Krížová, Charles University (Czech Republic)
Marcel van der Linden, International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam (Netherlands)
Alexander Lipkin, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow (Russia)
Barbara Lüthi, University of Cologne (Germany)
Attila Melegh, Corvinus University, Budapest (Hungary)
Matthias Middell, University of Leipzig (Germany)
Juan Carmona Pidal, Carlos III University of Madrid (Spain)
Hagen Schulz-Forberg, University of Aarhus (Denmark)
Alessandro Stanziani, EHESS/ CNRS (France)
Eric Vanhaute, University of Gent (Belgium)
Holger Weiss, Åbo Akademi University (Finland)

Connections is an e-journal and part of the H-Soz-u-Kult, Clio-online and H-Net network. It is edited by scholars cooperating within the framework of the Centre for Area Studies at the University of Leipzig, the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography and the Leipzig Centre for the History and Culture of East Central Europe. It is at the same time supported by the European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH). Connections is, together with the paper-based journal Comparativ. Journal of Global History and Comparative Research on Modern Societies, the official organ of the European Network in Universal and Global History ( The members of the Steering Committee of ENIUGH serve as the Advisory Board of the journal.

Editors Information
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Subject - Topic
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