Heroic Masculinities - Intersectional Perspectives

Heroic Masculinities – Intersectional Perspectives

Joachim Grage, Vera Marstaller (University of Freiburg, collaborative research centre SFB 948 "Heroes - Heroizations - Heroisms")
University of Freiburg, collaborative research centre SFB 948 "Heroes - Heroizations - Heroisms"
Gefördert durch
German Research Foundation (DFG)
Vom - Bis
24.02.2022 - 25.02.2022
Sebastian Meurer, SFB948 "Helden - Heroisierungen - Heroismen", Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

International workshop of project group S3 "Masculinities"
The workshop will address the role of masculinity in processes of heroization. It will examine to what extent characteristics such as age, race, social origin, sexual orientation, denomination and (dis)ability determine who can or cannot be heroized in different cultural contexts.

Heroic Masculinities – Intersectional Perspectives

Our ideas of the heroic have an impact on our understanding of masculinity. The ideas of masculinity that are transported and conveyed through the heroic significantly shape the relationship between the sexes. An intersectional perspective shows that ideas of masculinity also have hierarchizing effects. Intersectionality describes the interplay of different social processes of inclusion and exclusion.
Based on the thesis that heroic masculinity represents an ideal that only few can achieve, but which also has an impact on those who do not live up to it, this workshop will explore the intersectional interplay and relations between heroism and masculinity. We will discuss the role of masculinity in processes of heroization and examine to what extent characteristics such as age, race, social origin, sexual orientation, denomination and (dis)ability determine who can or cannot be heroized in different cultural contexts.

Please send an e-mail by February 20, 2022 to:
Contact person: Antonia Wind
You will receive the access data for the online event in good time by mail.


Thursday, 24 February

Joachim Grage
HIV and its Consequences
Chair: Joachim Grage
9.45 Keynote: Karsten Schubert (Political Science, Freiburg): Between Reason and Excess. Gay Heroic Masculinities of HIV/AIDS
11.15 Rebecca Heinrich (Literary Studies, Freiburg): Gay Veterans. Hans Pleschinski’s Novel Portrait of an Invisible Man (D, 2002)

Class and Celebrity
Chair: Olmo Gölz
13.30 Max Jones (Modern History, Manchester): From Debunking to Celebration? Psycho-biography, Sexual Norms and British Heroes since 1950
14.30 Jörg Arnold (Modern History, Nottingham): Activism, Violence and Ostracism in the 1984/85 UK Miners’ Strike. An Intersectional Perspective

Catholicism and Race
Chair: Johanna Pink
16.00 Claudia Danzer (Catholic Theology, Freiburg): Heroic Masculinity in Karl Adam’s Construction of Jesus of Nazareth
17.00 Vera Marstaller (Modern History, Freiburg): Machismo and Marianismo. Latin American Perspectives on a Stereotype

Friday, 25 February

Homosexuality and Gender
Chair: Dorna Safaian
10.00 Joachim Grage (Scandinavian Studies, Freiburg) Heroic Traces in Early Homosexual Literature in Germany and Scandinavia
11.00 Dag Heede (Literary Studies, Odense): Villains and Heroes in Early Danish and Norwegian Homosexual Literature and Drama

Ethnicity and Agency
Chair: Olmo Gölz
13.30 Andreas Plackinger (Art History, Freiburg): Limited Heroizations? Blackness in French Art around 1800
14.30 Elena Fellner (Islamic Studies, Freiburg): They Live in Us – We Live for Them. An Intersectional Analysis of Protest Movement Heroes in Iran 2009–2021

16.00 – 17.00 Final Discussion
Chair: Joachim Grage and Vera Marstaller

18.00 Guided Tour of Queer Freiburg (in German)
with Lio Okroi (https://queere-geschichten-freiburg.de/)


Contact person: Antonia Wind

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