German-Speaking Intellectual and Cultural Emigration to the US and UK, 1933-1945 - Annandale 08/02

German-Speaking Intellectual and Cultural Emigration to the US and UK, 1933-1945 - Annandale 08/02

Bard College
Annandale, New York, USA
United States
From - Until
13.08.2002 - 15.08.2002
Kettler, David

Dear Colleagues,

Excuse me for writing hurriedly in English.

At the suggestion of Gerhard Lauer, I want to call your attention to a conference to take place at Bard College in Annandale, New York, USA, August 13-15. The conference is called "Contested Legacies: The German-Speaking Intellectual and Cultural Emigration to the US and UK, 1933-1945." A general prospectus and preliminary program are available at <>

Contested Legacies" is a conference that reflects on both the work of thinkers and artists forced to flee Hitler&#8217;s Germany and on fifty years of scholarship. The title refers to the claims and counterclaims of the emigrants about the intellectual legacies they brought with them into exile. Additionally, "Contested Legacies" is about the debates generated by the emigrés' rich and diverse achievements, continuously contested within the emigré cohort itself and then among succeeding generations of their followers and detractors. The conference program assembles an international, interdisciplinary, and intergenerational group of participants consisting of almost forty scholars, the three-day conference will take place in the context of the Bard Music Festival&#8217;s exploration of Gustav Mahler and His World&#8212;another contested legacy. "Contested Legacies" is a sequel to "No Happy End," an earlier workshop that defined the terms of the common project.

Available without cost is a 64-page booklet that contains the nineteen papers presented at the preliminary workshop, "No Happy End" in February 2001, as well as a more careful statement of the rationale for the forthcoming conference. Send your request to <>.

The following is the list of presenters at "Contested Legacies":

List of Participants in the Conference, Contested Legacies.
April 9, 2002

Peter Baehr, Lignan University, Hong Kong
Reinhard Blomert. University of Graz, Austria
Jonathan Bordo, Trent University, Canada
Paul Breiner. State University of New York/Albany, USA
Hauke Brunkhorst. Flensburg, Germany.
Hubertus Buchstein. University of Greifswald, Germany
Catherine Epstein. Amherst College, USA
Christian Fleck. University of Graz, Austria
Lawrence J. Friedman. University of Indiana, USA
Judy Gerson, Rutgers University
Lydia Goehr, Columbia University
John Gunnell. State University of New York/Albany, USA
Joerg Hackeschmitt, Berlin, Germany
Daniel Herwitz, Durban University, South Africa
Wolfgang Heuer, Hannover University, Germany
Jack Jacobs. John Jay College/City University of New York, USA
Russell Jacoby. University of California, Los Angeles, USA.
Laurent Jeanpierre, Sorbonne, France
Mario Kessler, Potsdam, Germany
David Kettler. Bard College, USA.
Claus Dieter Krohn. University of Lueneburg, Germany.
Martha Langford. Ottawa, Canada
Reinhard Laube, Göttingen University, Germany
Gerhard Lauer, Munich, Germany
Richard Leppert, Minneapolis MN
John McCormick, Yale University, US
Neil McLaughlin. McMaster University, Canada.
Gregory Moynahan. Bard College, USA.
Berndt Nikolai. University of Trier, Germany.
Margaret Olin, Institute of Fine Arts, Chicago
Ernst Osterkamp. Humboldt University,Germany.
Paul Roazen, University of Toronto, Canada
Larry Scaff, Wayne State University
James Schmidt. Boston University, USA.
Joanna Scott, Eastern Michigan University, US
Alfons Soellner, Dresden, Germany
Michael P.Steinberg, Cornell University
Mihaly Vajda. University of Debrecen, Hungary.
Suzanne Vromen, Bard College
Anna Wesselly. Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Janet Wolff, Columbia
Irving Wohlfarth, Rheims, France/Bremen, Germany
Jerry Zaslove, Simon Fraser University, Canada
Eli Zaretsky, New York University.

David Kettler
Scholar in Residence, Bard College, USA
Professor Emeritus, Trent University, Canada



(confirmed as of October 17, 2001)

Tuesday, August 13, 2002. Contested Classics.

1. Max Weber

Peter Breiner. SUNY Albany: Weber and Political Writers
Rheinhard Blomert, Graz: Norbert Elias
John Gunnell, SUNY Albany: Leo Strauss Reads Max Weber
Lawrence Scaff, Wayne State University: Max Weber and the Social Sciences in America
2. Sigmund Freud

Neil McLaughlin, Hamilton: Erich Fromm/Herbert Marcuse
Lawrence J. Friedman, Indiana: Erik Erikson
Paul Roazen, Toronto
Eli Zaretsky, New School
3. Karl Marx

James Schmidt, Boston University.
Michel Loewy, Paris.
Russell Jacoby, UCLA: Marx and the Intellectuals.
4. Goethe

Irene Bonnaud, Ecole Normal Superieur, Paris: Brecht in America
Ernst Osterkamp, Berlin: Goethe as a Figure of Identification for German-Speaking Emigrés
Alfons Söllner, TU Chemnitz, Arnold Bergstaesser's Goethe: Bildung, Political Science, and a Suspect Exile.
Jack Zipes, Minnesota: Ernst Bloch
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Wednesday, August 14, 2002. Contested Concepts.

1. Scientists and Intellectuals

David Kettler, Bard: Political Science and the Emigrants: Franz L. Neumann and Ernst Fraenkel in Parallel
Christian Fleck, Graz: The Needy and the Dignified: Contemporary, Sociological, and Voguish Evaluations of Refugee Scholars
Klaus-Dieter Krohn, Lueneburg: Emigrants into Immigrants.
Hauke Brunkhorst, Flensburg. "Why not America? - Hermann Heller and Walter Benjamin."
2. Jewishness

Mihaly Vajda, Debrecen
Jack Jacobs, John Jay College, CUNY
Judy Gerson, Rutgers University
Joerg Hackeschmidt, Independant Scholar
3. Socialism

Hubertus Buchstein, Greifswald
Catherine Epstein, Amherst: Two Eisler Brothers and a Sister.
Mario Kessler, University of Potsdsam: Emigre Historians Returned to the DDR.
Berndt Nikolai, Trier: Bauhaus
4. Artistic Modernism: Adorno on Mahler

Lydia Goehr, Columbia, Convenor: Theodor Adorno on Gustav Mahler
Michael P. Steinberg, Cornell
Daniel Herwitz, Durban
Richard Leppert, University of Minnesota
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Thursday, August 15, 2002. Contested Legacies.

1. The Resonances of Hannah Arendt

Peter Baehr, Hong Kong: Arendt/Gerth
Suzanne Vromen, Sociology: Arendt
Wolfgang Heuer, Berlin: Arendt/Bluecher
Joanna Scott, Eastern Michigan: Arendt and America
2. Art [Kunst]

Gregory Moynahan, History, Bard: Cassirer/Panofsky
Anna Wesselly, Budapest: Moholy-Nagy
Martha Langford, Montreal: Photography and Memory
Jeff Wall, Vancouver: Problems of Photography
3. A New Cultural Politics

Jonathan Bordo, Trent: Benjamin/ Kantorowicz/ George Kreis
Reinhard Laube, Goettingen: Kahler/George Kreis
Ernst Osterkamp, Literature, Berlin: Benjamin/Kantorowicz/George Kreis
Gerhard Lauer, Munich: Kahler
4. Exile and the perception of the present

John McCormick, Yale: Dialectics of Enlightenment
Jerry Zaslove, Simon Fraser: Kracauer
Laurent Jeanpierre, Paris: Surrealists in New York

Contact (announcement)

Bard College, PO Box 5000, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504-5000
Telephone: 845-758-7294
Fax: 845-758-7697
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