Thursday, November 26, 2009
Humboldt-Universität, Senatssaal
Opening Session
18.15 Addresses:
Jörg Baberowski (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Dean of the Dept. of Philosophy I and Head of Sonderforschungsbereich 640)
Benjamin Zachariah (Zentrum Moderner Orient, Berlin)
18.30 Keynote Lecture:
Heiner Roetz (Ruhr-Universität Bochum):
Transfer in Dispute. China and the West
19.30 Reception
Friday, November 27, 2009
Humboldt-Universität, Raum 3119
09.30 Transfer in Dispute. Introduction (Jörg Feuchter, Friedhelm Hoffmann, Bee Yun)
10.00 Panel I: The Transfer of Violence and Fascism. The Colony and the Colonial Power
Benjamin Zachariah (ZMO/University of Sheffield): Rethinking (the Absence of) Fascism in India, 1922-1945
Joseph-Simon Görlach (University College London): Islamofascism. Western Representations of Fascist Influences on Islamic Thought
Andreas Weiß (Humboldt-Universität/SFB 640): Kolonialismus und Gewalt. Postulierte Transfers und politische Instrumentalisierung (with English translation)
14.30 Panel II: An Unbalanced Triangle? Transfers between East Asia, the Arab World, and Europe in the 19th and 20th Century
Young Sun Ha (Seoul National University):
The Conceptual History of ‘Civilization’ in the 19th Century Korea
Jung Woon Choi (Seoul National University):
The Importation of Love from Modern Europe to Korea
Mohammad El-Sayed Selim (Kuwait University):
Arab Representations of Transfers
Yi-Kai Chen (Cheng Kung University, Tainan/Taiwan): Der Transfer der westlichen Demokratie in den chinesischen Kulturraum (with English translation)
19.00 End of Day I
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Humboldt-Universität, Raum 3119
09.30 Panel III: The Transfer of Legal and Political Systems and Ideas
Friedhelm Hoffmann (ZMO/SFB 640):
Legal Authenticity, Cultural Insulation and Undemocratic Rule. Abd-al-Razzâq al-Sanhûrî's (1895-1971) Sharia Project and Its Misrepresentation in Egypt
Naseef Naeem (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen): Parliamentarism in the New Iraqi Constitution: Integration or Disintegration through Transfer?
Bee Yun (Seoul National University/SFB 640):
Aristotle between the Levant and Longthorpe: Circulation and Localization of Political Ideas in the Later Middle Ages
14.00 Panel IV: Islam and Christianity in the Middle Ages. Historiographies of Cultural Transfer and Insulation
Kristin Skottki (Universität Rostock):
Medieval Western Perceptions of Islam and the Scholars: What Went Wrong?
Dorothea Weltecke (Universität Konstanz):
The Sultan of Lucera: Emperor Frederick II (1194-1250) and His Relations to Muslims in Modern Perspectives
Wolfram Drews (Univ. Köln/Dölger-Institut, Bonn): Jewish or Islamic Influence? The Iconoclastic Controversy in Dispute
Tim Geelhaar (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt):
Did the Medieval West Receive a ‘Complete Model’ of Education from Classical Islam? George Makdisi (1920-2002) and His Thesis Reconsidered
Jörg Feuchter (Humboldt-Universität/SFB 640): Transcultural Histories of Violence. The Transfer of Religious Violence from Islam as an Explanatory Stereotype in Medieval Studies
18.00 Hartmut Kaelble (Humboldt-Universität/SFB 640): Résumé of the Conference
18.30-19.15 Final Discussion