PROGRAM 9.30 – 9.45
Opening speech: Prof. Ivan Ilchev, Rector of Sofia University
Opening by: Assoc. Prof. Kostadin Grozev, Assoc. Prof. Ivan Parvev
I Session Chair: Prof. Elizabeth Frierson
9.50 – 10.10 Arno Strohmeyer (University of Salzburg)
Power and the Changing Faces of Habsburg-Ottoman Friendship (16th-17th centuries)
10.10 – 10.30 Christo Matanov (University of Sofia)
The Power of the Saint’s Relics. The Relics of St. Spyridon, the Bulgari Family, Corfu and Venice in the 16th-18th centuries
10.30 – 10.50 Ivan Parvev (University of Sofia)
Might without Power, Power without Might. The Habsburg and Russian Influence in the Balkans during the 17th – 19th centuries as a Comparison
Discussion: 10.50 – 11.10
Coffee Break: 11.10 – 11.30
11.30 – 11.50 Metin Kunt (Sabancı University, Istanbul)
The Sultan’s Progress, Istanbul to Szigetvar
11.50 – 12.10 Milena Petkova-Encheva (Sofia University)
The Deportation of Prisoners of War in the Context of Demographic Seizure of Territories: Hungarians in Thrace in the 16th century
12.10 – 12.30 Gábor Kármán (GWZO, Leipzig)
The Chances to Establish a Local Power Base among the Tributaries of the Ottoman Empire: György Rákóczi II of Transylvania
Discussion: 12.30 – 13.00
Lunch: 13.00 – 14.00
IІ Session Chair: Prof. Christo Matanov
14.00 – 14.20 Nedim Zahirović (GWZO, Leipzig)
Habsburg Spies at the Sublime Porte in the 16th century
14.20 – 14.40 Domagoj Madunić (CEU, Budapest)
Secret War: Venetian Intelligence and Espionage Activities during the War for Crete (1644-1669)
14.40 – 15.00 Viorel Panaite (University of Bucharest)
“… Our reign is granted by Turks…” Sultans and Tributary Voyvodas of Wallachia and Moldavia (16th – 18th centuries)
15.00 – 15.20 Maria Baramova (Sofia University)
Did the Danube Exist in Habsburg Power Politics in Southeastern Europe before 1699? Discussion: 15.20 – 15.40
Coffee Break: 15.40 – 16.00
16.00 – 16.20 Elizabeth Frierson (University of Cincinnati)
“Port Cities” as an Analytical Concept for Understanding Istanbul/Constantinople, Izmir/Smyrna, Salonica/Thessaloniki
16.20 – 16.40 Grigor Boykov (Bilkent University, Ankara)
Architecture as a Symbol of Power: Some Thoughts on the Ottoman Architectural Heritage of Plovdiv (Filibe)
16.40 – 17.00 Nora Anani (Université de Provence)
The Power of Dervishes in the Ottoman Balkans through the Shakâ’ik al-Nu‘maniyya, Bibliographical Dictionary of Tashköprüzade Ahmed (1495-1561)
Discussion: 17.00 – 17.20
Break: 17.20 – 17.40
17.40 – 18.00 Ifigenija Draganić (University of Novi Sad)
Turcicae epistolae: Busbecq’s Views on Power of the Ottoman Empire in his Letters
18.00 – 18.20 Dzheni Ivanova (University of Sofia)
The Image of the Sultan’s Ally Imre Thököly in the Ottoman Historical Writings. According to the histories of Silâhdar Mehmed Ağa and Defterdar Mehmed Ağa.
18.20 – 18.40 Elena Marassinova (Russian Academy of Sciences)
On Political Discourse in Russia in the Second Half of the 18th century
Discussion: 18.40 – 19.00
Reception: 19.30
Saturday, 9th October
III Session Chair: Assoc. Prof. Ivan Parvev
9.00 – 9.20 Paulina Andonova (Sofia University)
Power and Influence of the Ottoman Ruling Class in the Land Property. The Case of “Askeri” Chiftliks in the Region of Sofia, 16th – 18th centuries.
9.20 – 9.40 Alexander Antonov (Sofia University)
Currier Organization and Logistics on the Danube River at the end of the 17th and the beginning of the 18th centuries
9.40 – 10.00 Snežana Vukadinović (University of Novi Sad)
A Portrait of a Forgotten Serbian Sava Vladislavić Raguzinski
10.00 – 10.20 Igor Fedyukin (New Economic School, Moscow)
A Secret History of the Order of St. Catherine: Scenarios and Power at the Court of Peter I
Discussion: 10.20 – 10.40
Coffee Break: 10.40 – 11.00
11.00 – 11.20 Vjeran Kursar (University of Zagreb)
Non-Muslim Communal Divisions and Identities in the Early Modern Ottoman Balkans and the Millet System Theory
11.20 – 11.40 Stoica Lascu (University of Constanţa)
Balkan Vlachs - Autonomies and Modernity
11.40 – 12.00 Andreas Liberatos (Institute for Mediterranean Studies, Rethymno)
The Application of the Tanzimat and its Political Effects: Glances from Plovdiv and its Rum Millet
Discussion: 12.00 – 12.20
Lunch: 12.20 – 13.30
IV Session Chair: Prof. Markus Koller
13.30 – 13.50 Angelina Vacheva (University of Sofia)
The Russo-Turkish War of 1768-1774 in the Russian Poetry of the 18th century and the Making of Mythology of Power in Russia
13.50 – 14.10 Elena Smilianskaya (Russian State University for Humanities, Moscow)
“Protection” or “Possession”: How Russians created a Greek principality in 1770-1775
14.10 – 14.30 Jovan Pešalj (University of Belgrade)
Ottoman Subjects as Foreigners in the Habsburg Monarchy in the Second Half of the 18th century.
14.30 – 14.50 Plamen Mitev (University of Sofia)
Sublime Porte in the 18th century. The Revealed and Veilled Faces of the Ottoman Empire
Discussion: 14.50 – 15.10
Coffee Break: 15.10 – 15.30
15.30 – 15.50 Eleonora Naxidou (Democritus University of Thrace, Komotini)
Traditional Aspects of Modernity in the 19th century Balkans: The Ecclesiastical Dimensions of the Bulgarian National Movement
15.50 – 16.10 Manos Perakis (University of Crete)
The Implementation of Tanzimat in Crete: The New Political Model of Chalepa (1878-89) as a Catalyst for Social Reversals
16.10 – 16.30 Dobrinka Parusheva (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Family Matters: Using Social Capital for Political Ends in the Nineteenth Century Balkans
Discussion: 16.30 – 16.50
Break: 16.50 – 17.10
17.10 – 17.30 Ibrahim Koremezli (Bilkent University, Ankara)
Intelligence Activities in the Balkans during the Crimean War (1853-1856)
17.30 – 17.50 Ljubinka T. Karpowicz (Rijeka). Influence of Hungarian Liberal-Free-Massons on Modernisation in corpus separatum of Fiume 1875-1906
17.50 – 18.10 Momir Samardžić (University of Novi Sad)
Serbian Emigrants Issue (1883-1885) as a Test of Power and Influence of Austria-Hungary and Russia on the Balkans.
Discussion: 18.10 – 18.30
Sunday, 10th October
V Session Chair: Dr. Andreas Lyberatos
9.00 – 9.20 Rossitsa Tasheva (University of Sofia)
The French Revolution and the Ottoman Empire: The citoyen Descorches in Constantinople
9.20 – 9.40 Gülay Tulasoğlu (University of Heidelberg)
European Consuls as Power Broker in the Ottoman Empire on the Eve of the Tanzimat: The British Consul Charles Blunt in Salonica
9.40 – 10.00 Alexandar Rastović (University of Niš)
British Diplomats about Russian Influence in Serbia in the 19th century
10.00 – 10.20 Konrad Clewing (Südost Institut, Regensburg)
Consuls and Nation-Building in Late Ottoman ‘Albania’
Discussion: 10.20 – 10.40
Coffee Break: 10.40 – 11.00
11.00 – 11.20 Markus Koller (University of Giessen)
Ottomanism and Russification – Imperial Reform Concepts in the 19th century
11.20 – 11.40 Darin Stephanov (University of Memphis)
The Origins of Modern Public Celebration of the Monarch in Southeastern Europe: Mahmud II, Alexander Ghika, Wallachia and Beyond
11.40 – 12.00 Selim Aslantaş (Hacettepe University, Ankara)
The Russian Influence on the Ottoman Empire in the Context of the Expansion of Serbian Autonomy According to the Ottoman Archival Documents (1829-1833)
12.00 – 12.20 Vania Racheva (Sofia University)
The Lost History of one Book or about the Political Engineering in the 19th century
Discussion: 12.20 – 12.40
Lunch: 12.40 – 14.00
VI Session Chair: Prof. Elena Smilianskaya
14.00 – 14.20 Tolga Esmer (CEU, Budapest)
Co-opting a ‘Kărdzhali Dynasty’ and the Construction of the Balkan Nation-State
14.20 – 14.40 Mariya Shusharova
Some Specific Characteristics in the Local Self-government Structures Development in the Ottoman Empire. The Ayan Institution (ayanlık) in Rumeli, 17th–18th centuries
14.40 – 15.00 Silvana Rachieru (Romanian Cultural Institute, Istanbul/ University of Bucharest)
Ottoman Representatives in Romania: Diplomatic and Consular Network of the Sultan in a Former Vassal State
15.00 – 15.20 Bülent Bilmez (Bilgi University, Istanbul)
Ottomanism as a Modern Imperial Collective Identity: An Ideology as a Means of Power Sharing and/or Power Legitimization
Discussion: 15.20 – 15.40
Coffee Break: 15.40 – 16.00
16.00 – 16.20 Nadia Manolova (Sofia University)
Spain and the Crimean War 1853–1856
16.20 – 16.40 Zorka Ivanova (Oriental Archive, Bulgarian National Library)
On the History of the Textile Factory in Sliven. An Ottoman Register of 1861
16.40 – 17.00 Voin Bozhinov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
The Palaces of the Balkan Monarchs as a Representation of Power
17.00 – 17.20 Moshe Maggid (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)
Live in Eastern Rumelia and Dream of Palestine
Discussion: 17.20 – 17.40
Closing speech: Assoc. Prof. Plamen Mitev, Dean of Faculty of History