Dr. Maria Baramova

Sofia University "Sv. Kliment Ohridski"

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Sem: Summer school in advanced tools for digital humanities and information technology
Center of Excellence in the Humanities "Alma Mater" - Digital Humanities Program
Sofia 07.09.2017 - 11.09.2017

CFP: 14th International Congress of Ottoman Social and Economic History (ICOSEH)
Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”
Sofia 24.07.2017 - 28.07.2017

Sem: Summer School for Digital Tools in the Humanities
Digital Humanities Program at Center for Excellence in the Humanities "Alma Mater", Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Hissar 05.09.2016 - 10.09.2016

CFP: Enlightenment and Peasant: Life Representations, Intellectual Debates, Cultural Conflicts, Socio-economic Transitions. ISECS Early Career Seminar
The International Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ISECS), Faculty of History, University of Sofia, Faculty of History, University of Vienna
Sofia 26.06.2016 - 30.06.2016

Sem: Summer school for digital tools in the Humanities
Assist. Prof. Dr. Dimitar Iliev, Assist. Prof. Dr. Maria Baramova, Dobromir Dobrev Center of Excellence in the Humanities "Alma Mater", Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski"
Sofia 07.09.2015 - 14.09.2015

Konf: From War to Peace. The Ottoman ‘Long War’ of 1683–1699 with the Lega Sacra Powers and the Treaties of Carlowitz 1699: Antecedents, Course and Consequences
Center of Excellence in the Humanities "Alma Mater" at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Regional Studies Program
Sofia 25.04.2014 - 26.04.2014

Tagber: Bordering Early Modern Europe
Ivan Parvev / Maria Baramova / Grigor Boykov, Center of Excellence in the Humanities “Alma Mater”, Universität Sofia
Sofia 21.03.2013 - 23.03.2013

CFP: EpiDoc Workshop
The Faculty of Classical and New Philology / Faculty of History / Digital Humanities Program at the Center of Excellence in the Humanities “Alma Mater” at Sofia University "Sv. Kliment Ohridski"
Sofia 02.09.2013 - 06.09.2013

Konf: Bordering Early Modern Europe
Center of Excellence Alma Mater at Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”, Regional Studies Program
Sofia 21.03.2013 - 23.03.2013

Tagber: Social Networking in South-Eastern Europe, 15th–19th Centuries
Ivan Parvev, Maria Baramova, Grigor Boykov, Center of Excellence in the Humanities “Alma Mater”, Universität Sofia
Sofia 26.10.2012 - 27.10.2012

Konf: Social Networking in South-Eastern Europe, 15th-19th Centuries
Center of Excellence “Alma Mater”, Sofia University “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”
Sofia 26.10.2012 - 27.10.2012

Ank: Power and Influence in South-Eastern Europe, 16-19th centuries
Faculty of History, University of Sofia
Sofia 08.10.2010 - 09.10.2010

Konf: Power and Influence in Southeastern Europe, 16th-19th centuries
Plamen Mitev, Ivan Parvev, Maria Baramova, Vania Racheva, Faculty of History, University of Sofia
Sofia 08.10.2010 - 10.10.2010

CFP: Power and Influence in South-Eastern Europe, 16-19th c.
Faculty of History, University of Sofia
Sofia 08.10.2010 - 09.10.2010

Konf: Empires and Peninsulas. Southeastern Europe between Carlowitz and the Peace of Adrianople, 1699-1829 (Society, War, Transition)
Faculty of History, Sofia University Sofia
Sofia 09.10.2009 - 10.10.2009

CFP: Empires and Peninsulas. Southeastern Europe between Carlowitz and the Peace of Adrianople, 1699-1829 (Society, War, Transition)
Faculty of History, Sofia University
Sofia 09.10.2009 - 10.10.2009

CFP: Two Hundred Years on the Road: The Term "Balkan Peninsula" (1808-2008)
Department for History of Byzantium and the Balkans Faculty of History, University of Sofia “Sv. Kliment Ohridski”
Sofia 11.12.2008 - 12.12.2008