Friday, 25th April
Section 1
Chair: Colin Heywood
9:15 – 10:00 Charles Ingrao (Purdue University)
The Habsburgs and the Holy League: Religion or Realpolitik?
10:00 – 10:45 Ivan Parvev (Sofia University)
The War of 1683–1699 and the Beginning of the Eastern Question
10:45 – 11:15 Coffee Break
Section 2
Chair: Arno Strohmeyer
11:15 – 12:00 Erica Ianiro (University of Venice)
Venice after Carlowitz: Changes and Challenges in the Adriatic and Mediterranean Sea
12:00 – 12:45 Maurits van den Boogert (Brill Publishers)
The Spoils of Peace: What the Dutch got out of Karlowitz
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch
Section 3
Chair: Dariusz Kołodziejczyk
14:00 – 14:45 Hans Georg Majer (Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich)
Ottoman Knowledge of the Imperial Commanders
14:45 – 15:30 Lothar Höbelt (University of Vienna)
The Habsburg War Effort in the 1690s
15:30 – 16:00 Coffee Break
Section 4
Chair: Ivan Parvev
16:00 – 16:45 Dzheni Ivanova (Bulgarian National Library)
Ottoman Subjects, Habsburg Allies: The Reaya of Chiprovtsi Region (Northwestern Bulgaria) on the Front Line, 1688–1690
16:45 – 17:30 Kirill Kochegarov (Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow)
Russia and her Relations with the Sublime Porte and the Crimean Khanate, 1686–1699
Saturday, 26th April
Section 1
Chair: Hans Georg Majer
9:15 – 10:00 Colin Heywood (University of Hull)
“Blessed are the peacemakers”?: From Aspiration to Reality in the Anglo-Dutch Mediation, 1684–1699
10:00 – 10:45 Abdullah Güllüoğlu (Freie Universität, Berlin)
Ottoman Diplomacy in the First Years of the Ottoman 'Long War',1683–1699
10:45 – 11:15 Coffee Break
Section 2
Chair: Lothar Höbelt
11:15 – 12:00 John-Paul Ghobrial (University of Oxford)
An English Ambassador in Time of War: Sir William Trumbull's Mission to the Porte, 1687–1691
12:00 – 12:45 Arno Strohmeyer (University of Salzburg)
The Symbolic Making of Peace: Count Wolfgang IV of Oettingen-Wallerstein as Imperial Grand Ambassador at the Sublime Port (1699–1700)
12:45 – 14:00 Lunch
Section 3
Chair: Charles Ingrao
14:00 – 14:45 Tatiana Bazarova (Russian Academy of Sciences, St. Petersburg)
The Treaty of Carlowitz and its Impact on Russian-Ottoman Relations, 1700–1710
14:45 – 15:30 Zoltan Györe (University of Novi Sad)
War and Demography: The Case of Southern Hungary after Carlowitz
15:30 – 16:15 Dariusz Kołodziejczyk (University of Warsaw)
The Treaty of Karlowitz in Polish Memory – a Date to be better forgotten?
Organizing committee:
Professor Dr. Colin Heywood
Associate Professor Dr. habil. Ivan Parvev
Assistant Professor Dr. Maria Baramova