The Sword - Form and Thought: interdisciplinary conference

The Sword - Form and Thought: interdisciplinary conference

AG Schwertsymposium Freiburg; Deutsches Klingenmuseum Solingen
Deutsches Klingenmuseum
From - Until
19.11.2015 - 20.11.2015
Sixt Wetzler

The sword is one of the central objects of human culture, both as a deadly weapon and as a powerful symbol. Based on the results of the 2012 conference “Das Schwert – Symbol & Waffe”, the interdisciplinary conference “The Sword – Form & Thought” will continue to explore the various aspects of this object. Some of the themes for possible papers include material characteristics, decoration and symbolic value, use as weapon, and cultural discourse on the sword; of central interest is how these aspects are interwoven.

To highlight the interactions between the different aspects of the sword at a given age, the panels will be structured chronologically:

1. Bronze and Iron Age (c. 2000 B.C.E. - c. 0 C.E.)
2. Roman Empire, Migration Period, Early Middle Age/Viking Age, High Middle Ages (c. 0 C.E. - 1300)
3. Late Middle Age, Renaissance, Early Modern Age (1300 – 1789)
4. Modern Age until present (1789-2015)

A fifth panel will open up the discussion to swords from outside Europe, from any time period:
5. Non-European swords and swordsmanship

Because the conference will be part of the homonymous exhibition at the Klingenmuseum, the quality of the sword as a material object shall be stressed. We would therefore invite participants to base their papers – if only loosely – on an existing, individual sword, that may or may not be from the collection of the Klingenmuseum, and can highlight or underline the relevant topic. (The sword does not have to be brought along.)

As in 2012, those participants interested in practical swordsmanship will have the opportunity for a training exchange on the day after the conference, November 21st.

Abstracts for presentations may be submitted until April 30th, 2015. Please send your proposal and short academic bio (of about one page in length) in pdf format to If you can attach a picture of the sword that will be the focus of your presentation, it would be most welcome. Presentations should not exceed a length of 20 minutes and should be held in English. Young scientists are welcome.

A conference volume will be published; please take this into account when deciding for a topic.

We are looking forward for your drafts, and a great conference!

Lisa Deutscher, Mirjam Kaiser & Sixt Wetzler


19./20. November: Fachtagung
21. November: Möglichkeit zum praktischen/experimentalarchäologischen Austausch

AG Schwertsymposium – Abteilung für Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie und Archäologie des Mittelalters – Mirjam Kaiser – Belfortstraße 22, 79098 Freiburg – Deutschland / Germany

Contact (announcement)

Mirjam Kaiser

Abteilung für Frühgeschichtliche Archäologie und Archäologie des Mittelalters – Mirjam Kaiser – Belf