Maritime Trade, Travel, and Cultural Encounter in the 18th and 19th Centuries: Global and Regional Perspectives. Hakluyt Society Conference

Maritime Trade, Travel, and Cultural Encounter in the 18th and 19th Centuries: Global and Regional Perspectives. Hakluyt Society Conference

Hakluyt Society; in collaboration with the Wilberforce Institute for the Study of Slavery and Emancipation/ Maritime Historical Studies Centre, University of Hull and University of Worcester
Wilberforce Institute, University of Hull, 27 High Street, Hull, HU1 1NE
United Kingdom
From - Until
13.11.2015 - 14.11.2015
Hakluyt Society

Paper abstracts are invited for this international conference based at both the University of Hull’s Maritime Historical Studies Centre and Wilberforce Institute for the study of Slavery and Emancipation. It focuses on the emergence and effects of new patterns of maritime trade and travel between c. 1700 and 1900.

The impact of the Atlantic slave trade, the effects of abolitionist intervention in West Africa, the consequences of coerced and voluntary migration, and the representation of travel and exploration around the Atlantic and the Pacific are some of the themes that will be considered during this conference organised by the Hakluyt Society in collaboration with the University of Hull and the University of Worcester. Confirmed speakers include Captain Michael Barritt (President of the Hakluyt Society), Professor David Richardson (Former Director of WISE, University of Hull), Dr. Nigel Rigby (Head of Research, National Maritime Museum, Greenwich), and Dr. Silke Strickrodt (Visiting Research Fellow, Centre of Modern Oriental Studies, Berlin).

The conference organisers invite proposals for papers focusing on the links between maritime trade, travel and cultural encounter. Proposals for papers of 20 minutes duration are particularly welcomed from postgraduate research students, early career researchers and individuals working in the maritime heritage sector. A limited number of Hakluyt Society bursaries are available to registered postgraduate students to support travel in the UK and overnight accommodation in Hull. Proposals for papers should be sent to Professor Suzanne Schwarz ( by 31 August 2015. Applications for Hakluyt Society bursaries outlining specific requests for costs should be submitted at the same time. The main venue will be the Wilberforce Institute, University of Hull, 27 High Street, Hull, HU1 1NE.

Conference Registration: £30 (including tea and coffee). The conference is free to members of the Hakluyt Society. The registration fee will be waived for individuals joining the Society at the start of the conference (this means that anyone who qualifies as a student member will benefit from a year’s membership without further charge). Instructions for conference registration will follow.


Contact (announcement)

Suzanne Schwarz

Wilberforce Institute, University of Hull, Hull, UK, HU6 7RX
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