“Transnational Social Work – A Border-Crossing Agenda for Practice and Research” of the journal "Transnational Social Review" (TSR)

“Transnational Social Work – A Border-Crossing Agenda for Practice and Research” of the journal "Transnational Social Review" (TSR)

Transnational Social Review – A Social Work Journal (TSR)
Mainz / Hildesheim
From - Until
20.08.2016 -
Claudia Olivier-Mensah, Wolfgang Schröer and Cornelia Schweppe

For the focus topic on “Transnational Social Work – A Border-Crossing Agenda for Practice and Research” of the journal “Transnational Social Review – A Social Work Journal” (TSR), the guest editors Claudia Olivier-Mensah, Wolfgang Schröer and Cornelia Schweppe invite your submissions of proposal abstracts.
The issue focusses on transnational entanglements of social work and reflects on how social work and other social support systems are engaged in and shaped by cross border processes and transformations, which pose essential challenges for social work as they question fundamental concepts and assumptions. The focus topic on “Transnational Social Work” aims to take up those challenges by reflecting on and recognising the ways in which the nation state is embedded in social work theory, practice and research concepts and to overcome the frequent equating of the "national" with the "societal".
Abstracts (max. 500 words) should be sent to olivier@uni-mainz.de, schroeer@uni-hildesheim.de and c.schweppe@uni-mainz.de by 20/08/2016.
You are welcome to submit and circulate!


Requirements for Submissions:
Each proposal abstract should contain no more than 500 words and should address the following: background of the proposed article, content outline and main discussion points. For those proposals that are accepted, the deadline for submission of full articles is November 15, 2016. The deadlines for the TSR issue focused on “Transnational Social Work – A Border-Crossing Agenda for Practice and Research” are:
August 20, 2016
Submission of proposal abstracts
November 15, 2016
Submission of full articles
November/December 2016
Peer review
December 2016
Revision of articles, if necessary
February 2017
Final submission of publishable articles
June 2017

Articles should be up to 8,000 words in length. The authors are responsible for submitting proofread and anonymized manuscripts. The instructions for authors are available at:
For more information on the journal TSR, please visit the homepage: www.tandfonline.com/loi/rtsr20

Contact (announcement)

Claudia Olivier-Mensah

Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
Graduiertenkolleg "Transnationale Soziale Unterstützung"
FB 02 - Institut für Erziehungswissenschaft
AG Sozialpädagogik

