

Swedish Anthropological Association (SANT); in partnership with the Finnish Anthropological Society (FAS)
From - Until
19.04.2018 - 21.04.2018
Melanie Brand, FB Geschichte und Soziologie, Universität Konstanz

Vulnerability is a structuring feature of human existence; one that is lived and understood in historically shifting conditions. Today, global displacement, politico-military polarisations, and recurring environmental and humanitarian crises importantly shape the experience, distribution and interpretation of vulnerability.

Traditional engagements with vulnerability have portrayed it as a position or a state of helplessness, silence, disempowerment and lack. Anthropology has a long history of documenting vulnerability in this regard. Together with activists and humanitarians, anthropologists have worked to “give voice” to vulnerable people, thereby drawing attention to perspectives and lives that otherwise may have escaped notice or attention. SANT/FAS 2018 welcomes panels and papers that build on this solid academic legacy of engaging with vulnerability.

The conference also invites research that approaches vulnerability as something more than a condition from which subjects should be defended, rescued or liberated. SANT/FAS 2018 encourages participants to explore vulnerability as a productive position or condition that does something. Vulnerability makes demands for accountability and responsibility. Focusing on the productive dimensions of vulnerability can also change the focus of research, awareness and engagement. SANT/FAS 2018 encourages participants to ask:

What does vulnerability mean?
How is vulnerability experienced and positioned?
How is vulnerability manifested in everything from architecture to interactional practices?
How can vulnerability be thought about in ways that do not disavow it or just wish it away?

Call for papers
The call for papers is now open. Please consult the list of panels and send the title of your paper, an abstract (100-200 words), your name(s) including institutional affiliation(s) to no later than 16 February 2018. Make sure to include the title of the panel(s) to which you submit your paper.

Contact (announcement)

Sverker Finnström

Uppsala University, 751 05 Uppsala, Sweden
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