Migration, Movement, Waiting. On Dynamics between Stagnation and Progression

Migration, Movement, Waiting. On Dynamics between Stagnation and Progression

Center for Advanced Studies, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
From - Until
16.09.2019 - 17.09.2019
Center for Advanced Studies LMU

Conference organized by Prof. Dr. Nadia Al-Bagdadi (IAS CEU), Prof. William O’Reilly, Ph.D. (Cambridge), Prof. Dr. Christopher Balme, Prof. Dr. Burcu Dogramaci, and Prof. Dr. Roland Wenzlhuemer (LMU).

Barriers, fences and borders in Europe forced and still force many prospective migrants to lead lives in suspension, a state of waiting, not knowing when the moment of departure will be, if it will ever arrive. Waiting determines the everyday lives of many refugees and migrants, awaiting permissions, authorizations in an effort to move from one place to another, but also enclosure from a repetitive present to the future. Movement may be the more well known face of migration, but waiting and immobility have shaped as intensely experiences of passage, in the past as well as in the present.

The conference takes place within the LMU Cambridge Strategic Partnership.


Monday, 16 September

18.30 Welcome Notes

Evening Event: Theatricality of Waiting
Panel discussion about the play “What They Want to Hear”
with Christopher Balme (LMU), Raaed Al Kour (actor/Munich), Krystel Khoury (Kammerspiele Munich) et al.

Tuesday, 17 September

9.00 – 10.30
Kick-Off-Roundtable: Temporality of Waiting
Nadia Al-Bagdadi (CEU), William O’Reilly (Cambridge), Mirjam Zadoff (Munich Documentation Centre for the History of National Socialism)
Chair: Roland Wenzlhuemer (LMU)

11.00 – 13.00 Panel I: Expectations and Practices

Allegra Fryxell (Cambridge): Mario Dessy’s Atteso (‘Waiting’): Modernist Aesthetics of the Present

Burcu Dogramaci (LMU): Artistic Practices at the Border: Waiting and Crossing in the Context of Escape and Migration

Celine Cantat (CEU): Narratives and Practices of Migration Solidarity along the Balkan Route

Chair: Tugba Basaran (Cambridge)

14:00 – 16.00 Panel II: Transformations

Ines Prodöhl (Bergen): Mitsui Bussan and the Manchurian Soybean Trade: Waiting for a Business Opportunity, 1870–1920

Aglaia Weindl (LMU): “Thronfolger-Ungeduld”. Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Este and the Experience of Waiting

Roland Wenzlhuemer (LMU): Stasis or Transformation? What 19th-Century Ship Newspapers Tell us about Practices of Waiting

Chair: Martin Saxer (LMU)

16.30 – 18.30 Panel III: Retrospectives

Guido G. Beduschi (Cambridge): Retrospective and Modern History in Europe, 1715–1750

Jenny Mander (Cambridge): Going Nowhere Fast: Narration as Action (Eighteenth-Century Insights)

Ingo Berensmeyer (LMU): Dynamics of Waiting in Henry Green’s Novel Party Going (1939)

Chair: Nailya Shamgunova (Cambridge, tbc)

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