Thursday, Oct. 31, 2019
10:15-10:30 Introductory remarks: Ulrich Brandenburg (Zurich)
10:30-12:00 Panel I: Ottoman Istanbul as a Local and Global Media Hub
Chair: Ulrich Brandenburg (Zurich)
Aysegül Argit (Heidelberg): “British, French and German Reactions on the Ottoman Revolutionary Press”
Ali Sonay (Basel): "Transnational Mediascapes in the Early 20th Century: The Press in the Young Turk Era"
13:30-15:30 Panel II: Russia and Beyond – Boundaries and Overlaps in Communication Structures
Chair: Eliza Isabaeva (Zurich)
Ryosuke Ono (Waseda University Tokyo): “‘Preparations for Our Future’: A Failed Attempt to Send Turk-Tatar Youths from the Far East to Al-Azhar, according to the Tatar Newspaper Milli Bayraq (1936-ca.1940)”
Ivan Sablin (Heidelberg): “A Public Sphere without a State: Newspapers in the Russian Far East, 1920”
Ulrich Brandenburg (Zurich): “Like Father Like Son? Two Tatars in pre-WWI Japan and the Press”
16:00-17:15 Roundtable Discussion: The Press – A Mirror or a Maker of Public Opinion?
Input from communication studies: Mike Meißner (Fribourg)
18:00-19:30 Public keynote lecture
Samir Seikaly (American University of Beirut): “At the Fringes of Empire: The Press in Egypt and Syria on the Eve of World War I”
Friday, Nov. 1, 2019
10:00-12:00 Panel III: The Press in the Intellectual Re-Making of the Middle East
Chair: Ulrich Brandenburg (Zurich)
Mohammad Magout (Leipzig): "Researching Religion in the Arabic Press in the 19th Century: Some Methodological Reflections"
Helena Rust (Zurich): “Disciplining Bodies, Educating Desires: Al-Riyāḍa al-Badaniyya as a Forum for Arabic Sexology in the 1930s”
Mehdi Sajid (Utrecht): “The Other Egyptian Islamic Press in the Interwar Years: The Journal al-Fatḥ as an Example”
13:30-15:00 Panel IV: Public Sphere or Locally Fragmented Publics?
Chair: Helena Rust (Zurich)
Ellinor Morack (Bamberg): "The Constitutional Revolution of 1908 and its Impact on Provincial Newspapers: The Case of Kastamonu"
Ayça Baydar (SOAS London): “Tracing the Path from Coexistence to the Catastrophe through the Analysis of the ‘Karamanlidhika’ Press (1897-1924)”
15:30-16:45 Roundtable Discussion: How can we categorize, present, and connect press sources?
Input from Japanese and global history: Gonzalo San Emeterio Cabañes (Zurich/Madrid)
17:30-19:00 Public film screening: “Karlstraße 10”
Documentary produced by the ERC project “Neither Visitors, nor Colonial Victims: Muslims in Interwar Europe and European Trans-cultural History”
Saturday, Nov. 2, 2019
10:00-11:30 Panel V: Digital Methods and Arabic Press Materials
Chair: Gonzalo San Emeterio Cabañes (Zurich/Madrid)
Till Grallert (Orient-Institut Beirut): “Digital Tools and the Analysis of al-Muqtaṭaf's Networks”
Emad Mohamed (Wolverhampton) and Umar Ryad (KU Leuven): “'Ugly' but Civilized? The Images of Europe in the Arab Muslim Press in the Colonial Age”
11:30-12:00 Final discussion