Animals as Objects? Histories, Institutions, Infrastructures, Data, and Knowledge

Ringvorlesung – Animals as Objects? Histories, Institutions, Infrastructures, Data, and Knowledge

Joint research project “Animals as Objects”, Humboldt University Berlin, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin, Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG; in cooperation with the research group “The Body of Animals”, MPIWG Berlin (Institut für Kulturwissenschaft, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin)
Institut für Kulturwissenschaft, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - digital format: Zoom
Funded by
Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung / Federal Ministry of Education and Research
From - Until
09.11.2020 - 22.02.2021
Mareike Vennen, Institut für Kulturwissenschaft, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

The interdisciplinary Ringvorlesung examines the role of animals in institutional and infrastructural arrangements, past and present. It investigates the processes by which animals are turned into objects – living zoo attractions, museum exhibits, diplomatic tokens, commodities, laboratory tools, data sets, and more. The aim is to understand the trajectories, traffics and transformations of animal-objects within and between different sites in their political, scientific and cultural context.

Ringvorlesung – Animals as Objects? Histories, Institutions, Infrastructures, Data, and Knowledge

We will examine how animals – dead and alive – have been collected, transported, classified, processed, used, understood, and displayed at different times. Presenting shared concerns around the politicization, datafication, and commodification of animals (or animal parts) the lectures will offer an extended understanding of agents, institutions, and infrastructures as human/non-human co-productions. Researchers from contemporary history, the history of science, cultural anthropology, cultural studies as well as environmental history and political theory will explore specific encounters between animal bodies, knowledge practices and material cultures in different local and global settings spanning from colonial times to the present day. By investigating how animals and their environments are imagined, studied and managed, the RVL demonstrates how these processes co-shape institutions, infrastructures, and politics. In what ways have animals been used, studied, and classified as objects? What has historically been made to count as an animal and what role do they play in signifying human socialities, just as much as the natural world?

The Ringvorlesung invites to engage in the work of historicizing ‘naturalized’ views, of investigating the politics of care and the economics of conservation, and of challenging a static notion of animals as ‘objects’. It offers conceptual tools and historical contexts for critically interrogating traditional meanings, images and narratives of animals.

The Ringvorlesung draws from two current research clusters and their extended network:
the research project “Animals as Objects: Zoological Gardens and the Natural History Museum Berlin, 1810 to 2020” between Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin; Zoologischer Garten Berlin AG;
and the research theme “The Body of Animals” Department III at the Max-Planck-Institut für Wissenschaftsgeschichte.

The Ringvorlesung is free and open to all. Please register by emailing to receive the Zoom link, and further technical information.


9.11. Mareike Vennen (HU)
Introduction: Animals as Objects

16.11. Therese Kienemund (MfN)
Alfred Keller's Insect Models and the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin

23.11. Lisa Onaga (MPIWG)
Cocoon Cultures and Life Histories

30.11. Filippo Bertoni (MfN)
Oozing Objectivities: Knowing Radiolarians, Fuelling Fossil Capital

07.12. Christian Kassung (HU)
Restlos: Von der Unmöglichkeit, Schweine aufzuessen

14.12. Wilko Graf von Hardenberg (MPIWG)
Counting Animals: Surveys, Baselines and Models in Nature Conservation

04.01. Clemens Maier-Wolthausen (Zool. Garten)
„Heia Safari!“: Fangexpeditionen des Berliner Zoos in Ostafrika und koloniale Vermarktung

11.01. Marianna Szczygielska (MPIWG)
Animating Capture: An Elephant Micro-History

18.01. Bernhard Gißibl (IEG)
The Other Serengeti: Discussing the Naturalness of Elephants in postcolonial Tanzania

25.01. Kerstin Pannhorst (MPIWG)
Turning to Insects: Tiny Bodies for the Lab, the Library, and the Department Store in Germany and Japan around 1900

08.02. Britta Lange (HU)
Die Seidenraupe: Ein (Clastique-)Modell und seine Modellhaftigkeit

15.02. Tamar Novick (MPIWG)
Bodily Waste as Animal: The Case of Urine

22.02. Tahani Nadim (HU/MfN)
Reproducing Species in and with Data

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