Two Chairs in History

Two Chairs in History

Lancaster University
Place of work
History Department
United Kingdom
From - Until
01.08.2004 -
Constantine, Steven

Lancaster University is pleased to invite applications for two new Chairs in History. These appointments demonstrate the University's commitment to the discipline and its willingness to invest in, and secure a distinguished future for, a large and already successful department. The History Department's Strategic Plan, which has been endorsed by History assessors external to the University, aims to raise still higher its international reputation for outstanding research and teaching, to achieve an excellent appraisal in the forthcoming Research Quality Assessment, and to maintain that standard thereafter through innovative research activity and top quality publications.

Those appointed as Professors
- will be outstanding researchers, with publications of the highest international standard eligible for submission in the RQA (expected audit period 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2006)
- will enhance the research culture of the History Department and the University
- will contribute substantially to the leadership, work and evolution of one or more of the Department's four research centres
- will have an impressive record of securing research funding
- will be able to manage a research team
- will have a strong teaching record and be committed to excellent teaching
- will be able to design and deliver stimulating undergraduate and graduate courses compatible with the Department's teaching programmes
- will have experience of successfully supervising research students
- will have administrative experience and be willing in due course to shoulder appropriate responsibilities.

The History Department’s current research and teaching interests range chronologically from the late Roman Empire to the present day; geographically, they include the British Isles, Continental Europe, North America, the British Empire-Commonwealth, and South Asia; thematically, they embrace political, religious, economic, intellectual and cultural history. The new appointments are to be made to reinforce and further develop the work of the four centres which provide the focus for much of the department’s research by academic staff, research associates, postdoctoral fellows and research students:

Medieval History (to c.1600): currently researching especially the themes of lordship, politics and religion, and of space, boundaries and cultural interactions.

Diasporas, Peripheries and Identities: examining migration, communities at geographical and social peripheries, and the construction of national, ethnic and gender identities.

Knowledge, Technics and Modernity: dealing with the history of science, technology, medicine and concepts of modernity, from the early modern period to the present day.

North-West History and Archives: investigating across all historical periods the distinctiveness and national and international significance of the region which stretches from Cheshire to the Scottish Border.

Informal inquiries may be made to the Head of Department, Dr Stephen Constantine (; tel. 01524-592607; or by post to the History Department, Lancaster University, Lancaster, LA1 4YG.

Applicants are very welcome to visit the Department and meet staff informally, before or after formally applying. Further information on the University, the Department and the Lancaster region may be obtained via: and histwebsite/homepage.htm.

Applications should be sent to the Director of Personnel Services, Lancaster University, Bailrigg, Lancaster, LA1 4YW, United Kingdom. The closing date is 14 November 2003.
Applications should consist of two copies of a completed Application Form, available at,
- quoting reference A162 and including the names of three academic referees, one of whom should normally be your current employer. (Our practice is to seek references for short-listed candidates before interviews take place. Please let us know in advance if you would wish this not to occur without speaking to you beforehand.)
- a letter of application, not to exceed three sides of A4, explaining your suitability for the post with reference to research, teaching and administrative experience, your alignment with the work of one or more of the research centres, your research trajectory, and your teaching interests
- a curriculum vitae.
It is expected that presentations and interviews will take place in Lancaster over two days at a date to be determined in December 2003. Those selected for the short list will be asked to outline their disciplinary approach, current research and research plans, and teaching interests to members of the History Department.

The appointment will take effect from 1 August 2004. It will be made at an appropriate point on the professorial scale, current minimum £42,246.

Further details can be found either in the attached pdf-file:
or on the University´s homepage

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