2 research fellows "Research Network Re-Configurations. History, Memory and Transformation Processes in the Middle East and North Africa" (Univ. Marburg)

Rohde, Achim

Within the framework of the newly established research network “Re-Configurations. History, Memory and Transformation Processes in the Middle East and North Africa” at the Philipps-Universität Marburg the following external funded positions are available, starting as soon as possible for a 3 year term:

1 Postdoctoral position as research associate (100 %)
1 PHD position as research associate (50 %)

The positions are classified as remuneration group 13 as stipulated in the salary scheme agreement of the Land Hessen. The positions includes no tenure track option, but offer the possibility for further academic qualifi-cation within the framework of the assigned work load.

The research network “Re-Configurations” is located at the Centre for Near and Middle East Studies (CNMS). It aims to create an institutional framework for innovative interdisciplinary and comparative research, both empirically based and theoretically informed, on the transformation processes taking place in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA region).

The research programme will investigate current developments and their historical contexts, spanning a variety of disciplines and epochs, highlighting new perspectives, and initiating debate. Its aim is to strengthen the regional competence of the Philipps-Universität Marburg by creating an institutional framework that links the various MENA related disciplines within the CNMS with systematic disciplines (e.g. religious studies, history, political science, media studies, literature, law, peace and conflict studies). For this purpose four interrelated research fields will be set up (see link: http://www.uni-marburg.de/cnms/forschung/re-konfigurationen): 1. ‘History from Below’, 2. Re-Configurations of Cultural Memory, 3. Transformative Processes and Transitional Justice, 4. Transregional Dimensions.

The postdoctoral applicant’s individual research project will suit research field 1, by addressing contemporary developments and transformative processes in the MENA region in their wider historical context. We welcome projects that conceptualise the history and functioning of authoritarian systems in the region in a way that transcends the narrow focus of much established scholarship on elites or institutions and addresses governmental systems in their wider societal context (including opposition and protest movements), using approaches like Subaltern Studies, cultural history of the political, comparative studies of dictatorships etc.

Applicants for the PhD position will pursue an individual research project that suits research field 4. She/he will pursue an interregional comparative and/or transregional approach, addressing issues related to media, arts, the economy, politics, and religions. She/he may focus on diaspora communities and their relations to the country of origin, on global entrepreneurs, international organizations, or transregional publics.

We expect a certified proof of an above-average PHD degree and / or university degree (Diploma/Master/Magister) in the social sciences, cultural studies or humanities. Active participation in the conceptualization and organisation of workshops, colloquiums and summer academies is expected. In addition, the involvement in a theory forum that links all 4 research fields as well as contributions to the creation of the open access journal META is expected. Regional experience, excellent English as well as language skills in one of the languages used in the MENA region are necessary.

Applications from abroad are expressly welcomed, regular presence in Marburg is expected. German and English are the working languages.

Applications of women are expressly welcomed. In areas where women are underrepresented, they will be given preferential consideration when candidates are of equal merit. Applicants with children are welcome – the Philipps-Universität is committed to the goal of a family-friendly university. A reduction of working time is possible in principle. Applicants with a disability will be given preference when candidates are of equal merit, as stipulated in SGB IX (§ 2, paragraph 2, 3).

We request that all application documents be submitted as copies, as submitted documents will not be re-turned upon conclusion of the application procedure. Costs incurred for submitting an application and attend-ing an interview will not be reimbursed. Applications including curriculum vitae, exposé of a research project apposite to one or more of the above-mentioned research fields, work and time plan which show that the project’s completion within three years is feasible (max. 5 pages), names of two references are to be submitted until 20.11.2013 under the reference number ZE-0053-cnms-wmz-2013 (for the postdoctoral position) and ZE-0054-cnms-wmz-2013 (for the doctoral position).

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