2 x 0,65 Doctoral Positions "Disability in Socialist Czechoslovakia" (Univ. Bremen)

2 x 0,65 Doctoral Positions "Disability in Socialist Czechoslovakia" (Univ. Bremen)

Universität Bremen
Place of work
Url (PDF/Website)
Martina Winkler

The Institute of History in the Department of Social Sciences, University of Bremen, invites applications for the two following academic positions (under the condition of job release), for the duration of 3 years:

Doctoral Researcher
EG 13 TV-L
65% position
Reference number: A62/17

The successful candidates will work in the international and interdisciplinary project “Disability in Socialist and post-socialist Czechoslovakia” that brings together researchers from the University of Bremen and Charles University Prague and is jointly funded by DFG and the Czech Science Foundation. They will be expected to work in one of the two sub-projects “Disability in illustrated magazines in socialist Czechoslovakia” and “Svaz československých invalidů" with the possibility to complete a PhD-dissertation. The dissertation can be written in either German or English.
To apply successfully, you will:
- have a master´s degree or equivalent in history or related field;
- a good command of Czech and/or Slovak (at least passive);
- be fluent in English.
It will be advantageous if you can demonstrate:
- excellent analytical skills;
- an interest in the field of disability studies;
- be fluent in German.
The University of Bremen is an equal opportunity employer and aims particularly at increasing the share of female faculty members in research and teaching. Thus, qualified women are especially encouraged to apply. International applications and those from candidates with a migration background are explicitly appreciated. Candidates with disabilities will be given preference in case of equal qualifications.

Please submit your application including the reference number A62/17, a letter of motivation, CV (with copies of certificates), and contact details of two referees until April 30th, 2017 to:

Universität Bremen
Fachbereich8/ Sozialwissenschaften
Frau Kahrs– Reference number
Universitäts-Boulevard 13
28359 Bremen

or per E-Mail to Mrs. Kahrs (Administration of the Department of Social Sciences, University of Bremen): fb08.bewerbung@uni-bremen.de

Questions regarding the position and the projects should be addressed to Prof. Dr. Martina Winkler (mwinkler@uni-bremen.de).

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