Family and Kinship
Michael Mitterauer, Vienna Die Terminologie der Verwandtschaft. Zu mittelalterlichen Grundlagen von Wandel und Beharrung im europäischen Vergleich
Karl Kaser, Graz The History of the Family in Albania in the 20th Century: a First Profile
Zafer İlbars, Ankara The Turkish Family in the Process of Change
Everyday Culture
Doroteja Dobreva, Sofia Zeitrhythmen und Umgang mit Zeit im Arbeitsalltag des sozialistischen Dorfes. Das Beispiel eines Gebirgsdorfes in Bulgarien
Gabriele Wolf, München "Mangelwaren", Konsumentenerwartungen und "Beziehungen" Einkaufen in der sozialistischen Konsumgenossenschaft
Dorothea Schell, Bonn Coping with Foreigners in a Greek Village
Folk Religion, Mythology and Politics
Petăr Petrov, Sofia Between Christianity and Socialism Syncretistic Tendencies in Ritual Culture
Jordanka Telbizova-Sack, Berlin Dogma, Brauch, Volksfrömmigkeit. Synkretistische Züge des pomakischen Islam
Mirjana Prošić-Dvornić, Michigan Apocalyptic Thought and Serbian Identity: Mythology, Fundamentalism, Astrology and Soothsaying as Part of Political Propaganda
Stelu Şerban, Bucharest Social Functions and Cultural Meanings in the Christmas Carols from Lăpuş Village
Deema Kaneff, Halle Intersecting Times: The Work of Memory in Southeastern Europe. Conference at the Centre for the Study of Southeastern Europe, University of Wales, Swansea, 25-28 June 2000
Names and addresses of editors and authors