Střed. / Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in 19th and 20th Centuries 4 (2012), 2

Střed. / Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in 19th and 20th Centuries 4 (2012), 2
Other title information 
Národ, gender, bída. Sociální hnutí a sociální stát 1870–1938 / Nation, Gender, Poverty. Social Movements and Welfare State 1870–1938

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Organization name
Střed. Časopis pro mezioborová studia Střední Evropy 19. a 20. století / Centre. Journal for Interdisciplinary Studies of Central Europe in the 19th and 20th Centuries
Czech Republic
Zeitschrift Stred / Centre - Redaktion Rudolf Kucera MUA AV CR Na Florenci 3 Prag 110 00 Tschechien E-Mail:
Kucera, Rudolf

Table of contents

Obsah – Contents

Úvodem – Preface

Vědecké stati – Studies

Jakub Beneš
Czech Social Democracy, František Soukup, and the Habsburg Austrian Suffrage Campaign 1897–1907. Toward a New Understanding of Nationalism in the Workers’ Movements of East Central Europe

Jan Mareš – Vít Strobach
Třída dělníků i žen? Proměny chápání genderových vztahů v českém dělnickém hnutí 1870–1914 (Class of Workers and Women? Changing Perspective of Gender Relations within the Czech Labor Movement 1870–1914)

Martin Polášek
Představy o roli sociální politiky v Československé sociálně demokratické straně dělnické mezi světovými válkami: Polemika mezi Evženem Šternem a Jiřím Pleskotem (Social Democratic Ideas on Social Politics in Interwar Czechoslovakia: The Polemics between Evžen Štern and Jiří Pleskot)

Diskuse – Discussion

Thomas Oellermann
Proč ještě nikdo nenapsal dějiny sudetoněmecké sociální demokracie (Why No One Has Written the History of Sudeten-German Social Democracy)

Recenze – Reviews of Books

RUDOLF KUČERA, Staat, Adel und Elitenwandel. Die Adelsverleihungen in Schlesien und Böhmen 1806–1871 im Vergleich (Jan Županič)

MARTIN SCHULZE WESSEL, Revolution und religiöser Dissens. Der römisch-katholische und der russisch-orthodoxe Klerus als Träger religiösen Wandels in den böhmischen Ländern und in Russland 1848–1922 (Tomáš W. Pavlíček)

KAROL HOLLÝ, Ženská emancipácia. Diskurz slovenského národného hnutia na prelome 19. a 20. storočia (Jana Malínská)

LUCIE KOSTRBOVÁ, Mezi Prahou a Vídní. Česká a vídeňská literární moderna na konci 19. století (Michal Topor)

VÍTĚZSLAV SOMMER, Angažované dějepisectví. Stranická historiografi e mezi stalinismem a reformním komunismem (1950–1970) (Doubravka Olšáková)

JONATHAN BOLTON, Worlds of Dissent: Charter 77, The Plastic People of the Universe, and Czech Culture under Communism (Vítězslav Sommer)

Zprávy a anotace – Short Reviews and Annotations

Seznam autorů – List of Authors

Autorům – Editorial Note


Jakub Beneš
Czech Social Democracy, František Soukup, and the Habsburg Austrian Suff rage Campaign 1897–1907. Toward a New Understanding of Nationalism in the Workers’ Movements of East Central Europe

This article examines a shift in Czech socialist workers’ political rhetoric in the first decade of the twentieth century from the sense that workers were excluded outsiders from the ethnic nation to the idea that they would rightfully redefine and lead the ethnic nation. Social Democracy’s preoccupation from 1907 on with national concerns led directly to the splitting of Austrian Social Democracy along ethno-national lines several years before the outbreak of World War One. Because this rhetorical and social-psychological shift coincided with a major extension of voting rights in Habsburg Austria (in which Social Democratic mobilizations played a key role), this paper argues that democratization played an important, though unappreciated, role in the rise of nationalism in the east central European workers’ movement. It also highlights the role of Czech socialist leader, František Soukup, in facilitating and articulating Czech workers’ new stance.

Jan Mareš – Vít Strobach
Class of Workers and Women? Changing Perspective of Gender Relations within the Czech Labor Movement 1870–1914

The paper deals with the changes of meaning of gender relations in the Czech working-class and the forming socialist movement during the period from 1870 to 1914. It focuses on the relationship between the struggle for recognition, i. e. on the critical articulations of a misrecogniton as well as on the imagination of ideal social order, and the constitution of mass socialist party. The attention is paid to the roles, which men (or/and masculinity) and women (and/or feminity) should have held.

Martin Polášek
Social Democratic Ideas on Social Politics in Interwar Czechoslovakia: The Polemics between Evžen Štern and Jiří Pleskot

The article deals with the idea of social policy in the interwar Czechoslovak Social Democratic Party on the example of two significant personalities (Evžen Štern, Jiří Pleskot). The author relies on the less well-known assumption of power-resources approach that the welfare state as an extension of social policy represents for social democrats a first step towards the socialism. The basic question of the study is whether social democrats really understood social policy as an instrument or part of transition from capitalism to socialism in this period. The author concludes that such an idea was present in the Czechoslovak Social Democratic Party, but not all currents within the party shared it and it was not expressed in the official programmatic documents.

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