The JOURNAL OF ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS (JAC) is published annually by the Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations (Northeast Normal University, Changchun, Jilin Province, People’s Republic of China). This year, we are proud to present the 30th volume to the academic audience. First issued in 1986 after the foundation of IHAC only two years before, JAC has up to now published over 300 articles, reviews and reports covering the whole range of ancient civilizations from East to West.
The aim of JAC remains, i.e. to provide a forum for the discussion of various aspects of the cultural and historical processes in the Ancient Near Eastern and Mediterranean world, encompassing studies of individual civilizations as well as common elements, contacts and interactions among them (e.g., in such traditional fields as Assyriology, Classics, Egyptology, Hittitology, and Sinology among others). JAC aims to publish the work of international scholars while also providing a showcase for the finest Chinese scholarship, and so welcomes articles dealing with history, philology, art, archaeology and linguistics which are intended to illustrate the material culture and society of the ancient Near East, the Mediterranean region, and ancient China. Articles discussing other cultures will be considered for publication only if they are clearly relevant to the ancient Mediterranean world, the Near East and China. Information about new discoveries and current scholarly events is also welcome. Publishers are encouraged to send review copies of books in relevant fields. However, in times of a competitive research market seeking for articles of highest quality and innovation, we will introduce a double blind peer-review system from volume 31 (2016) onwards. We are very grateful for the support received from colleagues around the world as we take this important step in strengthening the JAC and make it ready for the future. Therefore, we invite all our readers and academic friends to submit their articles to contribute to the future development of JAC!
All communications, manuscripts, disks and books for review should be sent to the Assistant Editor, Journal of Ancient Civilizations, Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations, Northeast Normal University, 130024 Changchun, Jilin Province, People’s Republic of China (e-mail: <>).
For authors’ guidelines, information on how to order past and current issues of the JAC or any additional information, please consult our Chief Executive Director: Prof. Dr. Sven Günther, M.A. (email: <>).
Contact:Journal of Ancient Civilizations Institute for the History of Ancient Civilizations Northeast Normal University 5268 Renmin Street 130024 Changchun Jilin Province People’s Republic of China Chief Executive Director: Prof. Dr. Sven Günther, M.A. (email: <>) E-Mail: <>
TABLE OF CONTENTSVolume 30 (2015)
Yang, Zhenhong: The Concepts of “Li ( 礼)” and “Fa ( 法)” as well as their Legal Expression in Ancient China as Seen in the Excavated Qin and Han Documents: A Discussion of the Theory of the Confucianization of Ancient Chinese Law (1–64)
Van Wijlick, Hendrikus: Constructing Alliances: a New Perspective on Mark Antony’s Parthian Campaign of 36 BC (65–71)
Heil, Matthäus / Schulz, Raimund: Who Was Maes Titianus? (72–84)
Lü, Houliang: World Citizens vs. People Chosen by God: Josephus between Judaism and the Roman Empire (85–116)
Kolb, Anne / Speidel, Michael A.: Perceptions from Beyond: Some Observations on Non-Roman Assessments of the Roman Empire from the Great Eastern Trade Routes (117–149)
Liu, Yin: Admonition, Episcopal Authority and the Use of the Carolingian Past: Hincmar’s De Ordine Palatii in Context (150–169)
Nicole Maria BRISCH. 2007. Tradition and the Poetics of Innovation: Sumerian
Court Literature of the Larsa Dynasty (c. 2003–1763 BCE). Alter Orient und Altes Testament 339. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag (Mei, Hualong) (170–178)