STADION 43 (2019), 2

Titel der Ausgabe 
STADION 43 (2019), 2
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Baden-Baden 2019: Nomos Verlag
Anzahl Seiten
158 S.
Jahresabo inkl. Online-Zugriff: privat € 48,00; inst. € 98,00; Einzelhefte Print € 26,00


Schriftleitung STADION

Manfred Lämmer
STADION. Internationale Zeitschrift für Geschichte des Sports – International Journal of the History of Sport – Revue Internationale d’Histoire du Sport
Deutsche Sporthochschule Köln, Institut für Sportgeschichte,
Am Sportpark Müngersdorf 6
Herzog, Markwart



Kay Schiller
„Der schnellste Jude Deutschlands“. Sport, Moderne und (Körper-)Politik im bewegten Leben Alex Natans (1906–1971)
Stadion, Bd. 43, 2/2019, S. 185 – 218, DOI: 10.5771/0172-4029-2019-2-185
This article deals with the biography of the elite Jewish-German sprinter, sports writer and left-wing political activist Alex Natan, „the fastest Jew in Germany“ (Alfred Flechtheim) during the 1920s. Hailing from an assimilated family of the Berlin Jewish-German middle class, Natan was for most of his active career a member of the bürgerlich sport movement, running for SC Charlottenburg Berlin. He achieved his greatest athletic success as a member of the club’s world-record equalling 4x100-meter relay squad in 1929. In addition to Natan’s athletic achievements, the article pays particular attention to his career as a left-wing sports journalist; his participation in the anti-Nazi resistance of civil servants in the Reich Vice Chancellery in 1933/34; his emigration to Britain in 1933; his four-year internment during World War II; the resumption of his journalistic career in the postwar period; and his support for the 1972 Munich Olympics. By focusing on his confrontations with Carl Diem and Karl Ritter von Halt, the article also engages with Natan’s vocal opposition to the rehabilitation after 1945 of sport functionaries who had collaborated with the Nazi regime. – Keywords: Jewish-German sport; men’s sprint relay; sport journalism; antifascist resistance; emigration; internment; 1972 Munich Olympics.

Nils Havemann
Adolf Rosenberger – Motorsportpionier und Mitbegründer der Weltmarke Porsche
Stadion, Bd. 43, 2/2019, S. 219 – 233, DOI: 10.5771/0172-4029-2019-2-219
Adolf Rosenberger was a German-Jewish pioneer of auto racing whose biography was almost forgotten after World War II. This article describes his important role as the co-founder, managing director and fund-raiser of the Porsche GmbH. It also covers the reasons why he was pushed out of the company in 1935. – Keywords: Adolf Rosenberger; Porsche GmbH; auto racing; National Socialism; sports business history.

Gertrud Pfister & Gerald R. Gems
Gender and the Sportification of Mountaineering: Case Studies
Stadion, Bd. 43, 2/2019, S. 234 – 249, DOI: 10.5771/0172-4029-2019-2-234
The topic of this article is the history of mountaineering using the concepts of gender and “sportification” as theoretical frameworks. Mountains have been and in many regions of the world still are deserted areas which may be accessed by hunters or used in the valleys for goat and sheep farming. People who had to cross them used, as far as possible, the valleys. These attitudes and practices changed in the second half of the 19th century when climbing developed as a sport and when increasing numbers of male “alpinists” competed for first ascents. As this sport was difficult, strenuous and dangerous, mountains were considered as “playing grounds” of men. However, there were some female mountaineers who accompanied men or even climbed with other women. A specific focus of this article will be on the women who, in the true sense of the term, conquered new grounds countering gender stereotypes and the femininity ideals of the 19th and 20th centuries. – Keywords: Mountaineering; female mountaineers; sportification; femininity ideals.

Markwart Herzog
Footballers as Soldiers. Rituals of Masculinity in Twentieth-Century Germany: Physical, Pedagogical, Political, Ethical and Social Aspects
Stadion, Bd. 43, 2/2019, S. 250 – 269, DOI: 10.5771/0172-4029-2019-2-250
Since the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth centuries, football squads have defined themselves as exclusively male domains with explicit military characteristics. The rules and tactics of football used to be interpreted in categories of battle orders. Furthermore, football language is full of concepts and ideas which derive directly from the terminology of the military. This issue extends to various aspects of German football culture. Early textbooks of football training, dietetics and hygiene understood the physical constitution of football players in terms of tough, soldierly masculinity. German squads used to practise tough, masculine rituals of initiation, comradeship and discipline. Some of the fundamental rituals in this context were derived from the everyday life of the barracks. The military-athletic masculinity of football and the crude ideals and rituals of German student fraternities reflected important social differences between these groups. Military connotations are an important reason for the long-lasting exclusion of women from football culture – not only in Germany. Like the military terminology of football, the moral representation of the players as national heroes who are prepared to accept subordination within a team of fighters can also be found nowadays. This paper will describe the roots of the soldierly, athletic paradigm that inspired football culture even after the Second World War. – Keywords: Football (soccer); military masculinity; student fraternities; masculine rituals; National Socialism; metrosexuality; heterosexual masculinity.

Florian Wittmann
Militärsportvereine unter dem NS-Regime
Stadion, Bd. 43, 2/2019, S. 270 – 302, DOI: 10.5771/0172-4029-2019-2-270
After conscription was re-introduced by Nazi Germany, countless military sports clubs were founded in the Wehrmacht. Although some of them rose in significance considerably until the end of WWII, little is known about these clubs. Based on recent access to archival sources, this article focuses on the self-representation and inner workings of these military sports clubs. It also shows how they set themselves apart from civilian sports clubs. The article also demonstrates that NS did not influence the daily routines of these clubs to a large extent. – Keywords: National Socialism; Wehrmacht; comradery; military sports; football (soccer); handball.

Julien Fuchs, Denis Jallat & Jean Saint-Martin
Frankophilie, Germanophilie und „Elsässertum“ in den Jugendbewegungen Straßburgs zwischen 1918 und 1925. Patriotismus – Körpererziehung – Naturbegeisterung
Stadion, Bd. 43, 2/2019, S. 303 – 317, DOI: 10.5771/0172-4029-2019-2-303
In Alsace, a region between France and Germany many youth organizations were formed in 1918, for example scouting movements and religious education associations. All these groups followed the same aim, i.e. to support young people and to transmit their values using physical education. These Alsatian associations, which were marked by 50 years of German presence, had to adapt to the expectation of the French government to rebuild a unified territory around a common identity. In doing so, they developed original forms of body culture that corresponded to an “Alsatian identity”. This article shows how youth organizations educated and trained young people under these conditions, and how they succeeded in defending the idea of French national identity as well as promoting an original form of culture based on local particularities. – Keywords: boyscouts; youth movements; Alsace; patriotism; physical education; national identity; regional identity.

STADION 2/2019


Wolfgang Decker und Bernd Wirkus, Der Hofphotograph Albert Meyer und die Olympischen Spiele 1896 in Athen. 63 kommentierte Briefe als Beitrag zur Frühgeschichte der Olympischen Bewegung, Hildesheim: Arete, 2019
(Rolf Sachsse)

Manfred Lämmer, Deutsch-israelische Fußballfreundschaft, Göttingen: Die Werkstatt, 2019
(Danyel Reiche)

Wolfram Pyta, Nils Havemann und Jutta Braun, Porsche. Vom Konstruktionsbüro zur Weltmarke, München: Siedler, 2017
(Erik Eggers)

Rainer Karlsch, Christian Kleinschmidt, Jörg Lesczenski und Anne Sudrow, Unternehmen Sport. Die Geschichte von adidas, München: Siedler, 2018
(Nils Havemann)

Matthias Marschik und Rolf Sachsse, Rauchende Sportler. Ein obszönes Sujet, Wien: Hernals, 2017
(Markwart Herzog)

Stadion, Bd. 43, 2/2019, S. 318 – 338, DOI: 10.5771/0172-4029-2019-2-318

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