Yearbook of the Society for 18th Century Studies on South Eastern Europe 4 (2021)

Yearbook of the Society for 18th Century Studies on South Eastern Europe 4 (2021)
Other title information 
Balkan Society in Turmoil: Studies in the History of Emotions in the "Long" 18th Century / Balkangesellschaft im Aufruhr: Studien zur Emotionsgeschichte im langen 18. Jahrhundert (Ed. Ivan PĂRVEV)

Published on
open access



Organization name
SOG18 – Yearbook of the Society for 18th Century Studies on South Eastern Europe
University of Graz, Department of History, Mozartgasse 8, 8010 Graz, Austria, Phone: +43/316/380-2361, Email:
Sabine Jesner, Institut für Geschichte, Abteilung für Südosteuropäische Geschichte und Anthropologie, Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz

Taking a closer "look" at human emotions as part of history is a relatively new approach in historical research. The observation that many actions of rulers and politicians at certain moments also depended on their state of mind, character traits or state of health does not in itself hold anything ground breaking. What "History of Emotions" wants to illuminate or question is rather this - if feelings and expression of feeling are immanent for humans per se, or rather something that can change through history and culture and probably be influenced by social "engineering" or ideology.

Table of contents

Harald HEPPNER: Emotions Between the Lines: The Viennese Court and the Orthodoxes in the Danube-Carpathian Region

Yorgos TZEDOPOULOS: Rejoicement, Defiance and Contestation: Contextualizing Emotional Responses to Greek-Orthodox Voluntary Martyrdom in the Long 18th Century

Franz-Stefan SEITSCHEK: „Ich melan[cholisch]“- Emotionen in den Tagebuchnotizen Kaiser Karls VI.

Hans-Christian MANER: Emotionen in Bittschriften siebenbürgischer Kleriker der unierten Kirche an den Wiener Hof im 18. Jahrhundert

Andreas GOLOB: Emotionen in der Repräsentation Südosteuropas in Zeitungen am Beginn des letzten Österreichischen Türkenkriegs (1788–1791). Die Kriegsberichterstattung in der Brünner Zeitung des Jahres 1788

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Holdings 2707-6091