PrefaceCathy S Gelbin; David Rechter; Daniel Wildmann
I. The Enlightenment Age and the Jews
Nothing Out of the Ordinary: The Life of Salomon Marcus Kamila Lenartowicz
Johann Gottfried Herder, Enlightenment Anthropology, and the Jew as a ‘Parasitic Plant’ Carl Niekerk
II. Jews in Fin-de-SièCle Austria
Of Bug Crushers and Barbaric Clerks: The Fabricated History of Jewish Family Names in Karl Emil Franzos’ ‘Namensstudien’ (1880) Johannes Czakai
Capturing Difference: The Wurstelprater Photobook in Turn-of-the-Century Vienna Steven Samols
III. Essay Prize Winner 2021
Implementing the Reichsbürgergesetz: Registration, Statistics, and the Deportations of German Jews Stefan Boberg
IV. Sephardi Jews Between Vienna and the Balkans
Situating Sephardi Spaces Between Vienna and the Balkans: An Introduction Fani Gargova
The Visual Repertoire of Willy de Majo: Translocations and Transports of Delight Lesley Whitworth
Vienna—The Cradle of Sephardic Sephardism Martin Stechauner
V. Salman Schocken: Publisher and Collector
Introduction: Material Transfer—Intellectual Transfer: Salman Schocken’s Collections Caroline Jessen
I will not see his like again: Remembering Salman Schocken (1968) Gershom Schocken; Stephanie Obermeier; Caroline Jessen
A Friendship Ex Libris – Karl Wolfskehl, Salman Schocken, and their Libraries Julia Schneidawind
Contested Cultural Affiliations: Salman Schocken’s Novalis Collection and the Nuremberg Haggadot from the Germanisches Nationalmuseum Caroline Jessen; Susanna Brogi
VI. Memoir
The Autobiography of Willy Katzenstein: Part One, 1874–1932 Susan Hamlyn ; Linda Gaus
List of Contributors
ErrataErratum to: The School of Bourgeois Religion: Jewish Children, Emotions, and the Hebrew Bible Dorothea M. Salzer
Correction to: Introduction: German-Jewish Agency in Times of Crisis, 1914–1938 David Jünger; Anna Ullrich