Ricerche di storia politica, Anno 5, numero 2, giugno 2002

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Ricerche di storia politica, Anno 5, numero 2, giugno 2002
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Bologna 2002: Il Mulino
RSP è un periodico quadrimestrale.
Abbonamento annuo: € 61,50; Un fascicolo: € 20,50; Arretrati: € 25,50



Ricerche di Storia Politica
ASSOCIAZIONE PER LE RICERCHE DI STORIA POLITICA c/o Dipartimento di Scienze Politiche e Sociali Università degli Studi di Bologna Strada Maggiore, 45 40125 BOLOGNA
RICERCHE DI STORIA POLITICA, Segreteria di redazione



Sandra McGee Deutsch, Verso un'internazionale nazionalista: le relazioni internazionali della Liga Patriótica Argentina, 1919-22 (Toward a Nationalist International: the Foreign Relations of the Liga Patriótica Argentina, 1919-22)

In the aftermath of World War I, patriotic organisations and right-wing armed groups multiplied both in Europe and in Northern and Southern America. This article deals with the history and activities of the main patriotic leagues then arising in Latin America, and takes in particular account the most important and long-lasting, the Liga Patriótica Argentina. Very often aided by governments and armed forces, these organisations aimed at disseminating “patriotic” propaganda and at countering the revolutionary threat of the political left and of workers’ movements. Despite their intense nationalism, leagues acting in different countries tried to build ties with each other a rudimentary attempt to create a nationalist international. The Liga Patriótica Argentina was very eager in promoting international co-operation, but did not succeed in creating long-lasting links with “sister” Chilean and Brazilian organisations. When the most intense period of workers’ militancy ended, both the reason of being of these leagues and the need for a nationalist international ceased.

Santos Juliá, Intellettuali in politica: il caso della Spagna (Intellectuals and politics: the Spanish case)

Like in France, also in Spain the figure of the intellectual was born in the very last years of the Nineteenth century. This first generation of intellectuals did not have and did not seek any form of organisation. They acted and spoke individually, despised politics and democracy and perceived themselves as the only European section of a backward, barbaric society. On the eve of the Great War a second generation of intellectuals began to arise the most notable member of which was Ortega y Gasset. These did not despise politics, but believed that their mission was to modernise Spanish culture rather than to devote themselves to direct political action. They often had a technical rather than literary background, were favourable to democracy, and acted jointly by creating journals, newspapers, publishing houses. The Thirties witnessed the birth of a third generation of intellectuals: Catholics of more or less strong fascist feelings, who were backed by and worked through the structures of Franco’s state. Those of the third generation who did not reject altogether the arguments of the losers of the Civil War, created the foundations for the slow rebirth of an appeased and unified Spanish culture after 1956.


Vera Capperucci, La storiografia del giorno dopo. il dibattito sulla crisi della Democrazia Cristiana negli anni Novanta (The day after’s historiography) In this review article we try to analyse the storiographic debate about political crisis in the Christian Democracy Party in the last ten years. Contribution considered follow two interpretative direction. In one hand, politological approaches estimate this crisis as a general transformation both for the whole political system and the institutional one; in the other hand, historical approaches try to estimate which kind of changes in or out this party, or which original elements have wore away both its identity than its functions

BIBLIOTECA: Indice degli autori e dei volumi recensiti

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Naturalismo, nacionalismo y políticas médicas del cuerpo (Argentina 1880-1910) °Parisella A., Cattolici e DC nell’Italia Repubblicana: analisi di un consenso politico Pennacchia Punzi M., Il mito di Corinne. Viaggio in Italia e genio femminile in Anna Jameson, Margaret Fuller e George Eliot Riberi L., Arthur Rosenberg. Democrazia e socialismo tra storia e politica Rochat G., Ufficiali e soldati: l’esercito italiano dalla prima alla seconda guerra mondiale Scavino M., Con la penna e con la lima. Operai e intellettuali nella nascita del socialismo torinese (1889-1893) Scholtyseck J., Robert Bosch und der liberale Widerstand gegen Hitler 1933 bis 1945 Schulze H., Storia della Germania Searle A. (ed.), An Anglo-German Dialogue. The Munich Lectures on the History of International Relations Stibbe M., German Anglophobia and the Great War, 1914-1918 Stoeber G., Pressepolitik als Notwendigkeit. Zum Verhältnis von Staat und Oeffentlichkeit im Wilhelminischen Deutschland 18901914 Stoppino M., Potere ed élites politiche. Saggi sulle teorie Tagliaferri T., La nuova storiografia britannica e lo sviluppo del welfarismo. Ricerche su R.H. Tawney Trincia L., Il nucleo tedesco. Vaticano e triplice alleanza nei dispacci del nunzio a Vienna Luigi Galimberti 1887-1892 Vieler E. H., The Ideological Roots of German National Socialism Volkov S., Das jüdische Projekt der Moderne. Zehn Essays Volpe G., Il costituzionalismo del Novecento

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