Neue e-Zeitschrift: Footprint, Delft School of Design Journal

Neue e-Zeitschrift: Footprint, Delft School of Design Journal

Project owner / organizer
Delft University of Technology ()
Hosting organization
Delft, Netherlands
From - Until
19.10.2007 -
Lukasz Stanek

Footprint is a new academic journal published by the Delft School of Design (the PhD School of the Faculty of Architecture, Delft University of Technology) presenting research regarding architecture and the urban. Architecture and urbanism are the points of departure and the core interests of the journal. From this perspective, the journal encourages the study of architecture and the urban environment as a means of comprehending culture and society, and as a tool for relating them to shifting ideological doctrines and philosophical ideas. The journal promotes the creation and development - or revision - of conceptual frameworks and methods of inquiry.

The contributions to the inaugural issue of Footprint include Wouter Davidts’ analysis of Tate Modern’s Turbine Hall and 'The Unilever Series'; Michael Hays’ notes on the narrative method in historical interpretation of architecture; Patrick Healy’s reconstruction of Max Raphael’s project of an empirical theory of art; Mark Jarzombek’s questioning of architecture as a philosophical project; Ákos Moravánszky’s mapping of today’s interchanges between theory, design, history and education of architecture; Jean-Louis Violeau’s account of the collaborations between architects and sociologists on architectural research in France since the late 1960s.

Footprint offers online free PDF downloads [pending - free - registration] or the purchase of hard-copies. It is a submission-based journal, so please check regularly our calls for papers. For downloading PDFs, for purchasing hard-copies and for calls for papers, please see our website

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