25/14 Event Series: Beyond the Wall

Katrin Bahr

With the “25×14″ event series the Third Generation Ost USA network wants to contribute to a broader visibility of events happening on various universities across the United States. We hope that this collaboration raises awareness for those universities teaching about the German Democratic Republic, and also shows the interdisciplinary approaches to the GDR in the United States. Overall, we hope that the event series will strengthen our idea of networking and future cooperation. We have asked universities across the United States to share their events with us. During the next months, you will find information about the various dealing with the history of the GDR and the 25th anniversary of its sudden demise. The events range from seminars, film screenings to public theater performances and clearly show the multifaceted character of the GDR and of GDR scholarship.

For further information please visit our website: http://thirdgenerationost.wordpress.com/1625-event-series-beyond-the-wall/ or find us on Facebook Third Generation Ost - USA

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