Maurice Daumas Prize 2012 "History of Technology" (International Committee for the History of Technology)

Maurice Daumas Prize 2012 "History of Technology" (International Committee for the History of Technology)

International Committee for the History of Technology, ICOHTEC
Vom - Bis
10.07.2012 - 14.07.2012
Anna Storm

The International Committee for the History of Technology, ICOHTEC, welcomes submissions for its new article prize, the Maurice Daumas Prize, which aims to encourage innovative and superbly written research in the history of technology. ICOHTEC is interested in the history of technology focusing on technological development as well as its relationship to science, society, economy, culture and the environment. The history of technology covers all periods of human history. There is no limitation as to theoretical or methodological approaches.

The Maurice Daumas Prize will be awarded to the best article submitted on the history of technology and published in a journal or edited volume in 2010 or 2011. Submissions are welcomed from junior and senior scholars of any country, and their focus can be the technological past of any part of the world.

Eligible for the prize are original articles published in any of the official ICOHTEC languages (English, French, German, Russian or Spanish). If the language of publication is not English, applicants should include a threepage English summary.

For the Maurice Daumas Prize 2012, please send your submission to each of the four Prize Committee members. Your submissions must be postmarked no later than 23 January 2012.

The submission should be accompanied by a CV and, if applicable, a list of publications. Applicants are free to add references or reviews of the work submitted. The winner will be contacted in mid-June 2012.

The prize will be awarded at our 39th Symposium, 10–14 July 2012 in Barcelona, Spain. The winner will receive a cash prize of Euro 500 as well as a travel grant of Euro 300 (if needed) to attend the ICOHTEC Symposium of 2012.

Send a complete application by regular mail or electronically as a pdf-file attachment to each of the following Article Prize Committee members:

Anna Storm, Postdoctoral researcher, Chair
Centre for Baltic and East European Studies
Södertörn University
SE-141 89 Huddinge/Stockholm

Andrew Butrica, Dr.
Research Historians Group
Apt. 913-South
5225 Pooks Hill Road
Bethesda, MD 20814 USA

Martina Hessler, Prof.
Department of History
Helmut Schmidt University
Holstenhofweg 85
D-22039 Hamburg

Pierre Lamard, Prof.
Laboratoire RECITS
L’Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard (UTBM)
F-90010 Belfort CEDEX

MAURICE DAUMAS (1910 - 1984) – The French Trailblazer

The history of technology would never have become a prominent field of historical re-search without energetic pathbreakers. Maurice Daumas was one of them. His broad sci-entific production includes an early work, Les instruments scientifiques aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, which garnered a good reputation and also appeared in English translation. During the years 1962–1978, he edited a highly valued history of technology, Histoire générale des techniques, 5 volumes, which has been translated into English and Spanish and used as a textbook in various countries. In France, Daumas was also the pioneer of industrial archaeology. Daumas was a major promoter of the history of technology as a discipline, and he contributed to several societies, journals and conferences. He was also the first secretary general of ICOHTEC and the host of its symposium at Pont-à-Mousson in 1970. For further information:

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