History didactics meets special education – interdisciplinary perspectives on historical thinking and disabilities

History didactics meets special education – interdisciplinary perspectives on historical thinking and disabilities

Sebastian Barsch, Universität zu Kiel; Franziska Rein, PH Ludwigsburg
Universität zu Köln
Takes place
In Attendance
From - Until
29.03.2023 - 30.03.2023
Franziska Rein, Geschichte, PH Ludwigsburg

We would like to draw your attention to the following international conference by Sebastian Barsch, University of Cologne, and Franziska Rein, Kiel University, in spring 2023 on the topic "History didactics meets special education - interdisciplinary perspectives on historical thinking and disabilities".

History didactics meets special education – interdisciplinary perspectives on historical thinking and disabilities

With the establishment of inclusion in schools, the question of how to design effective lessons for learners with disabilities has become more important. Although Inclusion can by no means be considered a new phenomenon or a new development, there is still a lack of knowledge about what history education should look like in order to be effective for students with disabilities (Barsch et al. 2020; Rein 2021; Völkel 2017). In recent years, a broader view on Inclusion has been established (Löser/Werning 2015, 17–18). This means that iInclusion is not only focused on people with disabilities, but also comprehensively addresses all areas of social inequality that are associated with disadvantage. This includes disadvantages caused by linguistic abilities, socioeconomic conditions, sexual orientations, ethnicity, etc. that differ from the majority of society. Consequently, Inclusion has become a field of research and practice of different professions, which vary from one another in their specificity and perspectives.

Despite the awareness of the necessity for a broad understanding of Inclusion, the planned conference is dedicated to the specific relationship between history didactics and special education for historical learning in schools. At the same time intersectional aspects (Bronner and Paulus 2021) will also be taken into account, insofar as disability can also be understood as a social construct and social phenomenon (Trescher 2017, 30f.) in which various simultaneously occurring manifestations of difference jointly lead to disadvantages.

The conference aims to provide a space for these topics to be touched upon. Furthermore, theoretical perspectives, practical experiences, empirical findings and conceptual approaches will also be equally considered, especially given that the empirical level has been neglected in the past (Barsch et al. 2020; Rein 2021).

Therefore, this will be a focus at the conference in order to emphasize the relevance of people with disabilities for empirical research. On the other hand, while the theoretical and practical level have already more approaches and publications (Barsch et al. 2020; Alavi and Lücke 2016; Völkel 2017; Degner 2020, 2016), a more in-depth exchange still seems desirable and profitable after decades of marginalization (Riegert and Musenberg 2015; Musenberg and Pech 2011).

Theoretical questions might include:

- How does historical imagination manifest itself in learners with sensory disabilities?
- What theoretical approaches to history didactics are adaptable for learners with disabilities?
- What role does narrativity play in inclusive history teaching?
- What are the didactic principles of teaching history in inclusive settings?

On a practical level, such question could be discussed:

- Which teaching methods seem promising for promoting historical thinking in children and adolescents with intellectual disabilities?
- What is the relationship between language-sensitive history teaching and special education?
- How can teacher training prepare future history teachers for Inclusion?
- What opportunities does digitalization offer history teaching for learners with disabilities?

Additionally, empirical perspectives will also be opened up, for example:

- What general empirical findings are there on historical learning for learners with disabilities?
- What empirical findings are there on historical learning in inclusive settings?
- Which teaching methods seem promising for promoting historical thinking of children with special educational needs?

You can register for the conference by contacting Sebastian Barsch sbarsch@histosem.uni-kiel.de or Franziska Rein franziska.rein@ph-ludwigsburg.de.

Kind regards
Sebastian Barsch and Franziska Rein

Alavi, Bettina; Lücke, Martin (Hrsg.) (2016): Geschichtsunterricht ohne Verlierer!? Inklusion als Herausforderung für die Geschichtsdidaktik. Wochenschau Verlag Dr. Kurt Debus GmbH; Deutscher Historikertag; Sektion "Geschichtsunterricht ohne Verlierer? Inklusion als Herausforderung für die Geschichtsdidaktik in Theorie, Empirie und Pragmatik" auf dem 50. Deutschen Historikertag mit dem Titel "Gewinner und Verlierer". Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau Verlag.
Barsch, Sebastian; Degner, Bettina; Kühberger, Christoph (Hrsg.) (2020): Handbuch Diversität im Geschichtsunterricht. Inklusive Geschichtsdidaktik (Wochenschau Geschichte).
Beauftragter der Bundesregierung für die Belange von Menschen mit Behinderungen (2018): Übereinkommen der Vereinten Nationen über die Rechte von Menschen mit Behinderung. Online verfügbar unter https://www.bmas.de/SharedDocs/Downloads/DE/PDF-Publikationen/a, zuletzt geprüft am 11.11.2019.
Bronner, Kerstin; Paulus, Stefan (2021): Intersektionalität: Geschichte, Theorie und Praxis. Eine Einführung in das Studium der Sozialen Arbeit und der Erziehungswissenschaft. 2., durchgesehene Auflage. Opladen, Toronto: Verlag Barbara Budrich (utb Soziale Arbeit, Erziehungswissenschaft, 4873).
Degner, Bettina (2016): Narrative Kompetenz im inklusiven Geschichtsunterricht?! Ein Unterrichtsversuch. In: Bettina Alavi und Martin Lücke (Hrsg.): Geschichtsunterricht ohne Verlierer!? Inklusion als Herausforderung für die Geschichtsdidaktik. Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau Verlag (Wochenschau Wissenschaft), S. 85–100.
Degner, Bettina (2020): Leichte Sprache und Visualisierung. In: Sebastian Barsch, Bettina Degner und Christoph Kühberger (Hg.): Handbuch Diversität im Geschichtsunterricht. Inklusive Geschichtsdidaktik (Wochenschau Geschichte), S. 375–384.
Löser, Jessica; Werning, Rolf (2015): Inklusion – allgegenwärtig, kontrovers, diffus? – In: Erziehungswissenschaft 26 (51), S. 17–24
Musenberg, Oliver; Pech, Detlef (2011): Geschichte thematisieren – historisch lernen. In: Christoph Ratz (Hg.): Unterricht im Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung. Fachorientierung und Inklusion als didaktische Herausforderungen. 1. Aufl. Oberhausen: Athena (Lehren und Lernen mit behinderten Menschen, 21), S. 217–240.
Rein, Franziska (2021): Historisches Lernen im Förderschwerpunkt geistige Entwicklung. Eine Studie zur Sinnbildung durch die eigene Lebensgeschichte. Göttingen: V&R unipress (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für Geschichtsdidaktik, Band 024).
Riegert, Judith; Musenberg, Oliver (2015): Inklusiver Fachunterricht in der Sekundarstufe. 1. Auflage. Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
Trescher, Hendrik (2017): Behinderung als Praxis. Biographische Zugänge zu Lebensentwürfen von Menschen mit 'geistiger Behinderung'. Unter Mitarbeit von Michael Börner. Bielefeld: transcript (Kultur und soziale Praxis).
Völkel, Bärbel (2017): Inklusive Geschichtsdidaktik. Vom inneren Zeitbewusstsein zur dialogischen Geschichte. Schwalbach: Wochenschau Wissenschaft.


March 29th, 2023

09:30 am Welcome & organizational matters by the conference team

10:00 am
Oliver Musenberg (HU Berlin), “On the Relationship between History Education and Special Education”

11:00 am (Digital)
Christoph Kühberger (University of Salzburg, Austria and University of Hawaii at Mānoa), “Inclusive historical knowledge”

Susan De La Paz (University of Maryland, USA) & Daniel R. Wissinger (Indiana University of Pennsylvania, USA), “Social Studies and History Instruction for Students with Learning Disabilities”

12:00 pm
Lunch break

01:00 pm
Franziska Rein (Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel), “Historical Learning and Virtual Reality”

Caroline Clormann (University of Gießen), “How do teachers deal with media in history education for students with learning difficulties?”

02:00 pm Coffee break

03:00 pm
Sebastian Bauer (Pädagogische Hochschule Ludwigsburg), “Historical identity as an excluding concept? – The “unspoken” parts of identity as an approach to teaching history in inclusive settings”

Jan Siefert (University of Duisburg-Essen), “Cultural practice of narrated history as an object of inclusion. Culture and language sensitive history classes between teaching foreign language and inclusive class design - application of genre-cycle in history class”

04:00 pm
Joint event (further information will follow)

06:30 pm
Dinner (further information regarding the location will follow)

March, 30th, 2023

09:30 am
Simone Seitz (FU Bozen), “All the time in the world? Time as a key concept and door opener to world knowledge for all children”

10:30 am

11:00 am
Heike Krösche (University of Innsbruck, Austria), “The intersectionality model from a didactics perspective”

Robert Thorp (Universität of Uppsala, Sweden), “Inclusive history education: Historical thinking, powerful knowledge, and Gadamerian historical consciousness”

12:00 pm Lunch break

01:00 pm
Eric Claravall (California State University, Sacramento, USA); Robin Irey (Stanford University, USA); Elisabeth Isidro (Western Michigan University, USA), “Teaching Historical Thinking and Reasoning to Students with Learning Differences: Theory, Research, and Practice”

Susan Krause (University of Bielefeld), “‘Blind’ imagination of the past. Empirical insights on schools vs. museums and their special handling and offers for persons with visual disorder”

Maria Papadopoulou (University of Western Macedonia Florina, Greece), “Training students with Special Educational Needs in History Education in Greece”

02:00 pm
Summary and outlook

Contact (announcement)

E-Mail: sbarsch@histosem.uni-kiel.de
E-Mail: franziska.rein@ph-ludwigsburg.de

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