How to ask: Strategies of entreating in medieval Eurasia

How to ask: Strategies of entreating in medieval Eurasia

Petra Sijpesteijn/Historisches Kolleg
München (virtuell)
From - Until
21.07.2021 - 23.07.2021
Jörn Retterath, Historisches Kolleg, Stiftung zur Förderung der Historischen Kommission bei der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften und des Historischen Kollegs

This digital workshop compares how relationships of social dependency and obligation are invoked and reinforced in letters and speeches of request and supplication in medieval Eurasian societies. What are the value structures and power systems appealed to, what are the reciprocating rights and obligations these are seen to embody, what are their limits, and how are they upheld? The aim is to compare traditions across medieval Eurasian societies and distinguish commonalities and generic concerns.

How to ask: Strategies of entreating in medieval Eurasia

What are the value structures and power systems appealed to, what are the reciprocating rights and obligations these are seen to embody, what are their limits, and how are they upheld? The aim is to compare traditions across medieval Eurasian societies and distinguish commonalities and generic concerns from historically specific constructs and conditions. The workshop will consist of discussions of pre-circulated primary material in English translation under the direction of presenters.


Mittwoch, 21. Juli 2021

14:00 Uhr: Petra Sijpesteijn (Universiteit Leiden/Historisches Kolleg)/Hartmut Leppin (Goethe Universität Frankfurt a.M./Kuratoriumsvorsitzender des Historischen Kollegs):
Welcome and introduction

14:10 Uhr: Aurélien Montel (Université Lyon): Pledge to the caliph. Reflexions about a letter to Umayyad caliph ʽAbd al-Raḥmān III (317/929)

14:50 Uhr: Clara Luhn (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München): Asking for recommendations and recommending for office: Su Shi’s (1037–1101) correspondence on official sponsorship

15:30 Uhr: Short Break

15:45 Uhr: Florian Hartmann (RWTH Aachen): Request – supplication – demand – order: The „petitio“ in the letter writing theory of the European Middle Ages

16:25 Uhr: Beverly Bossler (Brown University): Categories of patron-solicitation letters in Song dynasty China (960–1279)

Donnerstag, 22. Juli 2021

14:00 Uhr: Eline Scheerlink/Cecilia Palombo (Universiteit Leiden): Asking for a friend. Travel requests and social relationships in Umayyad Egypt

14:40 Uhr: Antonella Liuzzo Scorpo (University of Lincoln): Beyond epistolary standards? Reassesseing friendship in thirteenth-century Iberian political and diplomatic communication

15:20 Uhr: Jialong Liu (Universiteit Leiden): Hidden private entreating behind public stele texts during mid-late Tang China

16:00 Uhr: Short break

16:15 Uhr: Oded Zinger (Hebrew University of Jerusalem): Letters of request to women from the Cairo Geniza

16:55 Uhr: Antje Richter (University of Colorado Boulder): Pleading illness in early medieval China: Rhetorical strategies in letters and memorials

Freitag, 23. Juli 2021

14:00 Uhr: Hannah-Lena Hagemann (Universität Hamburg): Reconciling rebels in the early Islamic period

14:40 Uhr: Maxime Thérond (Université de Strasbourg): To dare and to write: The case of administrative letters from Middle Egypt in the 6th and 7th centuries

15:20 Uhr: Ed Hayes (Universiteit Leiden): Entreating the imams: Between petition and fatwa

16:00 Uhr: Short break

16:15 Uhr: Petra Sijpesteijn (Universiteit Leiden/Historisches Kolleg): From cocksure confidence to rueful regret: Three letters from ninth-century Egypt

16:55 Uhr: Discussion

Contact (announcement)

Anyone interested in participating should express a willingness to study the pre-circulated material. Registration is required before July 19 via