Doc. Position "Cutting-edge Science at the Margins? — A Transnational History of Agricultural Research and ‘Rural Reconstruction’ Programmes in India (c. 1900–1940)" (ETH Zürich)

ETH Zurich

The Institute of History at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH Zürich) invites applications for a

Doctoral Position (100%)

in the research project Cutting-edge Science at the Margins? — A Transnational History of Agricultural Research and ‘Rural Reconstruction’ Programmes in India (c. 1900–1940), funded by the ETH Grant.

The position is for three years and affiliated to the chair ‘History of the Modern World’ (Prof. Dr. Harald Fischer-Tiné). The beginning is September 15th, 2017 (or at the candidate’s earliest convenience).The salary is according to ETH regulations (Scientific employees – Fixed salary - rates 2016).
Applicants should hold an M.A. (or an M.Phil.). Applications are welcome from candidates with a background in South Asian History, Global History and/or the History of Science (19th to 20th century). Applicants should be proficient in English and at least one South Asian Language (preferably Hindi, Bangla, or Tamil). Knowledge of French and/or German is a welcome asset, but not mandatory.
The successful candidate will work in close cooperation with the project leader (Prof. Dr. Harald Fischer-Tiné) and two doctoral students in his team. He or she is expected to present interim results at national and international conferences, write his PhD thesis and publish at least one scholarly article in a peer-reviewed journal during the three years of the contract.

The project will cover the costs of the successful applicant’s extensive research stays in British, Swiss, Indian and US archives, as well as travel expenses for conferences. The chair ‘History of the Modern World’ offers an inspiring research environment in an international team of doctoral and postdoctoral students, and regular exchanges with Global Historians from around the world. Successful applicants will have full access to modern infrastructure in one of the world’s leading research universities located in the heart of Europe.
Applications (in English) with curriculum vitae, documentation of qualifications, a sample chapter from the M.A. thesis or an article, a letter of reference by at least one academic teacher, and a letter of motivation addressed to Prof. Dr. Harald Fischer-Tiné, should be submitted electronically to Mrs. Béatrice Schatzmann-von Aesch.
Deadline for application is August 1st, 2017.

For further information please visit our website and/or contact Mrs. Béatrice Schatzmann-von Aesch.

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