Central European History (CEH) 50 (2017), 1

Central European History (CEH) 50 (2017), 1
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Published on
4 issues per year
151 S.
institutions $180/£95 print-plus-online and $150/£79 print only; graduate student $25/£11, Conference Group members $40/£21



Organization name
Central European History (CEH)
United States
Prof. Monica Black; Editor, Central European History; History History Department; Dunford Hall, 6th Floor; University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Knoxville, Tennessee 37996, USA. Tel. 1-865-974-5424
Port, Andrew I.

The latest issue of Central European History went live on March 31!

Volume 50 / Issue 01, March 2017, pp. i-iv, 1-151

It can be accessed at https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/central-european-history/latest-issue

The Letter from the Editor, which provides an overview of the issue, is available gratis at https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/0938E13A0236851DB70B17B43B6698FB/S0008938917000243a.pdf/letter_from_the_editor.pdf

Abstracts in English and German are also available for each article at no cost.

Table of contents

Letter from the Editor
Andrew I. Port


Allan Mitchell (1933-2016)
Lawrence Joseph


Competitive Civilizing Missions: Hungarian Germans, Modernization, and Ethnographic Descriptions of the Zigeuner before World War I
Sacha E. Davis

Leo Pinsker’s Autoemancipation! and the Emergence of German as a Language of Jewish Nationalism
Marc Volovici

“Crime Has No Chance”: The Discourse of Everyday Criminality in the East German Press, 1961-1989
Richard Millington

Other ‘68ers in West Berlin: Christian Democratic Students and the Cold War City
Anna von der Goltz

Featured Reviews

Joseph Lemberg, Der Historiker ohne Eigenschaften. Eine Problemgeschichte des Mediävisten Friedrich Baethgen
Robert E. Lerner

Tara Zahra, The Great Departure: Mass Migration from Eastern Europe and the Making of the Free World
Helmut Walser Smith

Jakob Tanner, Geschichte der Schweiz im 20. Jahrhundert
Jonathan Steinberg

Book Reviews

Iryna Vushko, The Politics of Cultural Retreat: Imperial Bureaucracy in Austrian Galicia, 1772‒1867
Isabel Röskau-Rydel

Christoph Bernhardt, Im Spiegel des Wassers. Eine transnationale Umweltgeschichte des Oberrheins (1800-2000)
Mark Cioc

Geoff Eley, Jennifer L. Jenkins, and Tracie Matysik, eds., German Modernities from Wilhelm to Weimar: A Contest of Futures
Matthew Jefferies

Kara L. Ritzheimer, “Trash,” Censorship, and National Identity in Early Twentieth-Century Germany
Javier Samper Vendrell

Mark Jones, Founding Weimar: Violence and the German Revolution of 1918-1919
Peter C. Caldwell

Greg Eghigian, The Corrigible and the Incorrigible: Science, Medicine, and the Convict in Twentieth-Century Germany
Frank Biess

Guenter Lewy, Harmful and Undesirable: Book Censorship in Nazi Germany
Kara Ritzheimer

Peter Hoffmann, Francis R. Nicosia, and Lawrence D. Stokes, eds., Germans against Nazism: Nonconformity, Opposition and Resistance in the Third Reich: Essays in Honour of Peter Hoffmann
Nathan Stoltzfus

Maren Röger, Kriegsbeziehungen. Intimität, Gewalt und Prostitution im besetzten Polen 1939-1945
Jonathan Huener

Benjamin G. Martin, The Nazi-Fascist New Order for European Culture
Frank Trommler

Peter Fritzsche, An Iron Wind: Europe Under Hitler
Shelley Baranowski

Martin Kalb, Coming of Age: Youth and Juvenile Delinquency in Munich, 1942-1973
Beth A. Griech-Polelle

Tobias Huff, Natur und Industrie im Sozialismus. Eine Umweltgeschichte der DDR
Scott Moranda

Contributors to this Issue


Editors Information
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Holdings 0008-9389 (Print); 1569-1616 (Online)