Central European History (CEH)

Central European History (CEH)
4 issues per year
institutions $180/£95 print-plus-online and $150/£79 print only; graduate student $25/£11, Conference Group members $40/£21


Central European History (CEH)
United States
California / Georgia
c/o: Prof. Benjamin Marschke; Co-Editor, Central European History; Dept. of History, Founders Hall 180, 1 Harpst St., Arcata, California 95521, USA. marschke@humboldt.edu / Prof. Jared Poley; Co-Editor, Central European History; History Department, Georgia State University, P.O. Box 4117, Atlanta, Georgia 30302-4117, USA. jpoley@gsu.edu / Rezensionen: Prof. Eli Rubin; Associate Editor, Central European History; Department of History, Western Michigan University, 1903 W. Michigan Avenue, Kalamazoo, Michigan, USA. eli.rubin@wmich.edu / Prof. Michael Sauter; Associate Editor, Central European History; University of Suffolk, Waterfront Building, 19 Neptune Quay, Ipswich IP4 1QJ, UK. M.Sauter@UOS.AC.UK

Central European History offers articles, review essays, and book reviews that range widely through the history of Germany, Austria, and other German-speaking regions of Central Europe from the medieval era to the present. All topics and approaches to history are welcome, whether cultural, social, political, diplomatic, intellectual, economic, and military history, as well as historiography and methodology. Contributions that treat new fields, such as post-1945 and post-1989 history, maturing fields such as gender history, and less-represented fields such as medieval history and the history of the Habsburg lands are especially desired. The journal thus aims to be the primary venue for scholarly exchange and debate among scholars of the history of Central Europe.
With the move from Brill Academic Publishers to Cambridge, Volume 39 (2006) will be available via Cambridge Journals Online (CJO) at http://journals.cambridge.org.

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Bestandsnachweise 0008-9389 (Print); 1569-1616 (Online)