The latest issue of Central European History went live online on March 28 and should be shipping to individual and institutional subscribers shortly.
This is a special issue commemorating the fiftieth anniversary of the journal: "Reflections on the Past, Present, and Future of Central European History and Central European Studies: Taking Stock of the Journal and the Field."
It is divided into three parts that, together, offer wide-ranging reflections on the past, present, and future of both the journal and the historiography of German-speaking Central Europe as a whole. To that end, more than two dozen senior and junior scholars working in the United States, as well as in Australia, Canada, Germany, Switzerland, and the United Kingdom, help commemorate this important milestone in the life of the journal by “taking stock” in various ways of it and the field of study to which it is dedicated.
Contributors include Celia Applegate, Michael Geyer, Karen Hagemann, Konrad Jarausch, Jürgen Kocka, Sandrine Kott, Charles Maier, Mark Roseman, James Sheehan, Joachim Whaley, and many others.
Volume 51 / Issue 01, March 2018, pp. i-vi, 1-177.
The issue can be accessed at
The Letter from the Editor, which provides an overview of the issue, is available gratis at
Letter from the Editor
Douglas A. Unfug (1929–2017) James Van Horn Melton
Part I: Recollections and Reminiscences
Central European History at Fifty: Notes from a Longtime Fan Konrad H. Jarausch
Growing Up with Central European History Doris L. Bergen
Thoughts on a Thirteen-year Editorship of CEH Kenneth D. Barkin
An Appreciation Roger Chickering
Memories of Central European History, 1997–2005 Kees Gispen
Intellectual, Institutional, and Technological Transitions: Central European History, 2004–2014 Kenneth F. Ledford
Part II: Reflections, Reckonings, Revelations
Central European History and the Holy Roman Empire Joachim Whaley
Belief in the Reformation Era: Reflections on the State of Confessionalization Helmut Puff
Habsburg Studies within Central European History: The State of the Field John Deak
Habsburg History, Eastern European History … Central European History? Chad Bryant
Revisiting the Sattelzeit: Thoughts on the Historiography of the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Eras George Williamson
Cultural History: Where It Has Been and Where It Is Going Celia Applegate and Pamela Potter
Colonialism, Postcolonialism, and Decolonization Matthew Fitzpatrick
Authoritarianism in Modern Germany History Michael Meng
German History Writing and the Holocaust Mark Roseman
Foreign Relations: Where Germans Sell William Glenn Gray
Decentering Modern German History à l’américaine: A Look at the French Historiography Sandrine Kott
Gendering Central European History: Changing Representations of Women and Gender in Comparison, 1968–2017 Karen Hagemann and Donna Harsch
The Past, Present, and Future of Book Reviews in Central European History Julia S. Torrie
Part III: Reveries and Reverberations
How Did Germany Go Right? Charles S. Maier
Looking Back on the Sonderweg Jürgen Kocka
Verschweizerung, or: Some Brief Remarks on Sovereignty, Transnationality, and “Sense-Security” in the Middle of Europe Michael Geyer
The Future of Central European Studies Shelley Baranowski
The Future of the German Past James J. Sheehan
Officers of the Conference Group for Central European History / Central European History Society of the American Historical Association (1959–2018)
Recipients of the Hans Rosenberg Prize (1988–2016)