Central European History 38 (2005), 3

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Central European History 38 (2005), 3
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4 issues per year
institutions $180/£95 print-plus-online and $150/£79 print only; graduate student $25/£11, Conference Group members $40/£21



Central European History (CEH)
United States
Prof. Monica Black; Editor, Central European History; History History Department; Dunford Hall, 6th Floor; University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Knoxville, Tennessee 37996, USA. Tel. 1-865-974-5424
Godek, Gayle


Table of Contents

Volume 38 - Number 3 - 2005

How to Become a Loyalist: Petitions, Self-Fashioning, and the Repression of Unrest (East Frisia, 1725-1727)
David M. Luebke

Remembering and Forgetting: the Local and the Nation in Hamburg's Commemorations of the Wars of Liberation
Katherine Aaslestad

Holding on in Berlin: March 1948 and SED Efforts to Control the Soviet Zone
Paul Steege

Historical Evidence and Plausible History: Interpreting the Berlin Gestapo's Attempted "Final Roundup" of Jews (also known as the "Factory Action")
Nathan Stoltzfus

A Historikerstreit? A Reply to Nathan Stoltzfus' Response
Wolf Gruner

An Appreciation of Wolfgang Mommsen
Fritz Stern

Horst Carl, Der Schwäbische Bund 1488-1534. Landfrieden und Genossenschaft im Übergang vom Spätmittelalter zur Reformation
Thomas A. Brady, Jr.

Manfred Jakubowski-Tiessen and Hartmut Lehmann, eds., Um Himmels Willen: Religion in Katastrophenzeiten
John Theibault

Hartmut Lehmann, Geschichte des Pietismus. Band 4: Glaubenswelten und Lebenwelten
Johan van der Zande

Peter Blickle, Von der Leibeigenschaft zu den Menschenrechten. Eine Geschichte der Freiheit in Deutschland
William W. Hagen

Ulinka Rublack, ed., Gender in Early Modern German History
Judd Stitziel

Sheilagh Ogilvie, A Bitter Living: Women, Markets, and Social Capital in Early Modern Germany
R. Po-chia Hsia

Eli Nathans, The Politics of Citizenship in Germany: Ethnicity, Utility and Nationalism
Andreas Fahrmeir

Estaban Buch, Beethoven's Ninth: A Political History
Celia Applegate

Erik Grimmer-Solem, The Rise of Historical Economics and Social Reform in Germany 1864-1894
David Lindenfeld

Eric Engstrom, Clinical Psychiatry in Imperial Germany: A History of Psychiatric Practice
Chandak Sengoopta

Annika Mombauer and Wilhelm Deist, eds., The Kaiser: New Research on Wilhelm II's Rule in Imperial Germany
Lamar Cecil

David Stevenson, Cataclysm: The First World War as Political Tragedy
Roger Chickering

Erwin Könnemann and Gerhard Schulze, eds., Der Kapp-Lüttwitz-Ludendorff Putsch: Dokumente
Eric D. Weitz

Jonathan Wright, Gustav Stresemann: Weimar's Greatest Statesman
William Patch

Ellen Kennedy, Constitutional Failure: Carl Schmitt in Weimar
Peter C. Caldwell

Jan-Werner Müller, A Dangerous Mind: Carl Schmitt in Post-War European Thought
Allan Janik

Massimo Ferrari Zumbini, Die Wurzeln des Bösen: Gründerjahre des Antisemitismus: Von der Bismarckzeit zu Hitler
Helmut Walser Smith

Cathleen M. Giustino, Tearing Down Prague's Jewish Town: Ghetto Clearance and the Legacy of Middle-Class Ethnic Politics around 1900
Nancy Wingfield

Thomas M. Lekan, Imagining the Nation in Nature: Landscape Preservation and German Identity, 1885-1945
Mark Cioc

Richard Steigmann-Gall, The Holy Reich: Nazi Conceptions of Christianity, 1919-1945
Kees Gispen

Claudia Koonz, The Nazi Conscience
Anson Rabinbach

Shelley Baranowski, Strength Through Joy: Consumerism and Mass Tourism in the Third Reich
Peter Frizsche

Irene Guenther, Nazi Chic: Fashioning Women in the Third Reich
Shelley Baranowski

Elizabeth Harvey, Women and the Nazi East: Agents and Witnesses of Germanization
Lora Wildenthal

Winfried Süss, Der "Volkskörper" im Krieg: Gesundheitspolitik, Gesundheitsverhältnisse, und Krankenmord im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland, 1939-1945
Edward Ross Dickinson

Christopher R. Browning, The Origins of the Final Solution: The Evolution of Nazi Jewish Policy, September 1939-March 1942
Richard Breitman

Alan E. Steinweis and Daniel E. Rogers, The Impact of Nazism: New Perspectives on the Third Reich and its Legacy
David F. Crew

Anthony D. Kauders, Democratization and the Jews: Munich, 1945-1965
Gavriel D. Rosenfeld

M. E. Sarotte, Dealing with the Devil: East Germany, Détente, and Ostpolitik, 1969-1973
Noel Cary

Jürgen Kocka, Interventionen: Der Historiker in der öffentlichen Verantwortung
Geoff Eley

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Bestandsnachweise 0008-9389; EISSN: 1569-1616