Central European History Volume 40 - Issue 01 - January 2007
Revolutionary Moment: Interpreting the Peasants' War in the Third Reich and in the German Democratic Republic Laurenz Müller Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 1 - 26
Urban Order and Religious Coexistence in the German Imperial City: Augsburg and Donauwörth, 1548–1608 C. Scott Dixon Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 1 - 33
Confessionalization and Literature in the Empire, 1555–1700 Matthias Pohlig Ute Lotz-Heumann Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 35 - 61
The Transnational Beginnings of West German Zeitgeschichte in the 1950s Astrid M. Eckert Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 63 - 87
“Cruelty of the Worst Kind”: Religious Slaughter, Xenophobia, and the German Greens David Smith Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 89 - 115
Sleeping with the Enemy? A Fiction Film for German Television about the Bombing of Dresden David F. Crew Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 117 - 132
Gordon Alexander Craig (1913–2005) James J. Sheehan Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 133 - 137
Reformation Europe Andrew Colin Gow Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 139 - 141
Catholic Physics: Jesuit Natural Philosophy in Early Modern Germany Paula Findlen Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 141 - 143
Languages and Communities in Early Modern Europe Brian W. Ogilvie Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 144 - 146
Liaisons dangereuses: Sex, Law, and Diplomacy in the Age of Frederick the Great Jonathan Sperber Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 146 - 148
Exclusion and Hierarchy: Orthodoxy, Nonobservance, and the Emergence of Modern Jewish Identity Samuel Moyn Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 148 - 150
Gender History in Practice: Historical Perspectives on Bodies, Class, and Citizenship Edward Ross Dickinson Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 151 - 153
Wahlverwandte. Rassendiskurs und Nationalismus im spä;ten 19. Jahrhundert Eli Nathans Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 153 - 156
Germany's Colonial Pasts H. Glenn Penny Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 156 - 159
Technology and the Culture of Modernity in Britain and Germany 1890–1945 Mary Nolan Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 159 - 161
Oil Empire: Visions of Prosperity in Austrian Galicia Larry Wolff Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 161 - 164
Karl Kraus—;Apocalyptic Satirist: The Post-War Crisis and the Rise of the Swastika Allan Janik Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 164 - 166
Integration und Ausgrenzung in der städtischen Gesellschaft. Eine jüdisch-nicht jüdische Beziehungsgeschichte Kölns 1918–1933 Michael A. Meyer Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 166 - 169
Gau, Volk, and Reich: Friedrich Rainer and the Paradox of Austrian National Socialism Jeremy Noakes Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 169 - 171
Der Einfluss von Faschismus und Nationalsozialismus auf Minderheiten in Ostmittel- und Südosteuropas Valdis O. Lumans Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 171 - 173
Germany and the Axis Powers: From Coalition to Collapse Noel D. Cary Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 173 - 175
Witnesses of War: Children's Lives Under the Nazis Robert G. Moeller Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 175 - 178
Studying the Jew: Scholarly Antisemitism in Nazi Germany Gavriel D. Rosenfeld Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 178 - 181
In the House of the Hangman: The Agonies of German Defeat, 1943–1949 Astrid M. Eckert Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 181 - 183
The Holocaust and Catholic Conscience: Cardinal Aloisius Muench and the Guilt Question in Germany Mark Edward Ruff Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 183 - 185
The Frankfurt Auschwitz Trial, 1963–1965: Genocide, History, and the Limits of the Law Wendy Lower Published Online: 27-FEB-07 [ abstract ] pp 186 - 188