Central European History (CEH) 50 (2017), 2.

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Central European History (CEH) 50 (2017), 2.
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4 issues per year
institutions $180/£95 print-plus-online and $150/£79 print only; graduate student $25/£11, Conference Group members $40/£21



Central European History (CEH)
United States
Prof. Monica Black; Editor, Central European History; History History Department; Dunford Hall, 6th Floor; University of Tennessee, Knoxville; Knoxville, Tennessee 37996, USA. Tel. 1-865-974-5424
Port, Andrew I.

The latest issue of Central European History went live online on June 29.

Volume 50 / Issue 02, June 2017, pp. i-iv, 153-302.

The issue can be accessed at https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/central-european-history/latest-issue

The Letter from the Editor, which provides an overview of the issue, is available gratis at https://www.cambridge.org/core/services/aop-cambridge-core/content/view/3367BD5CFE46A182F4B0F3F3E534E3D9/S0008938917000425a.pdf/letter_from_the_editor.pdf

Abstracts in English and German are also available for each article at no cost.


Letter from the Editor
Andrew I. Port

Memorial: Ernst Nolte (1923--2016)
Gerrit Dworok


The Time and the Place to Network: Werner Siemens during the Era of Prussian Industrialization, 1835--1846
Jean-Michel Johnston

Prussian Palimpsests: Historic Architecture and Urban Spaces in East Germany, 1945--1961
Marcus Colla

Power and Society in the GDR Reconsidered: Involuntary Psychiatric Commitment, 1949--1963
Stefanie Coché

Review Forum

“An Imperial Dynamo”? A Discussion of Pieter M. Judson’s The Habsburg Empire: A New History
William Bowman, Gary B. Cohen, Pieter M. Judson, Michael Yonan, Tara Zahra

Exhibition Review: “Europe in the Renaissance: Metamorphoses, 1400--1600”
Alexandra Bettag

Featured Review: Philipp Ther, Europe Since 1989: A History
Noel D. Cary

Book Reviews

David Luebke, Hometown Religion: Regimes of Coexistence in Early Modern Westphalia
Gary K. Waite

Joel F. Harrington, ed., The Executioner’s Journal: Meister Frantz Schmidt of the Imperial City of Nuremberg
Jared Poley

David Brodbeck, Defining Deutschtum: Political Ideology, German Identity, and Music-Critical Discourse in Liberal Vienna
Hugh Agnew

Greg Eghigian, The Corrigible and the Incorrigible: Science, Medicine, and the Convict in Twentieth-Century Germany
Frank Biess

Mark Cornwall and John Paul Newman, eds., Sacrifice and Rebirth: The Legacy of the Last Habsburg War
Benjamin Ziemann

Alex J. Kay, The Making of an SS Killer: The Life of Colonel Alfred Filbert, 1905-1990
Christopher Dillon

Christoph Kreutzmüller, Final Sale in Berlin: The Destruction of Jewish Commercial Activity 1930-1945
Pamela Swett

Rainer Orth,“Der Amtsstiz der Opposition”? Politik und Staatsumbaupläne im Büro des Stellvertreters des Reichskanzlers in den Jahren 1933-1934
Larry Eugene Jones

Jonathan Petropoulos, Artists Under Hitler: Collaboration and Survival in Nazi Germany
Barbara Copeland Buenger

Lisa Pine, ed., Life and Times in Nazi Germany
Michelle Mouton

Fabien Théofilakis, Les prisonniers de guerre allemands. France, 1944-1949
Talbot C. Imlay

Svenja Goltermann. The War in Their Minds: German Soldiers and Their Violent Pasts in West Germany
Jay Lockenour

Moisés Prieto, Zwischen Apologie und Ablehnung. Schweizer Spanien-Wahrnehmung vom späten Franco-Regime bis zur Demokratisierung (1969-1982)
Gerald J. Steinacher

Arndt Engelhardt et al., eds., Ein Paradigma der Moderne. Jüdische Geschichte in Schlüsselbegriffen
Thomas Pegelow Kaplan

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