The latest issue of Central European History went live online on June 29.
Volume 50 / Issue 02, June 2017, pp. i-iv, 153-302.
The issue can be accessed at
The Letter from the Editor, which provides an overview of the issue, is available gratis at
Abstracts in English and German are also available for each article at no cost.
Letter from the EditorAndrew I. Port
Memorial: Ernst Nolte (1923--2016)Gerrit Dworok
The Time and the Place to Network: Werner Siemens during the Era of Prussian Industrialization, 1835--1846 Jean-Michel Johnston
Prussian Palimpsests: Historic Architecture and Urban Spaces in East Germany, 1945--1961 Marcus Colla
Power and Society in the GDR Reconsidered: Involuntary Psychiatric Commitment, 1949--1963 Stefanie Coché
Review Forum
“An Imperial Dynamo”? A Discussion of Pieter M. Judson’s The Habsburg Empire: A New History William Bowman, Gary B. Cohen, Pieter M. Judson, Michael Yonan, Tara Zahra
Exhibition Review: “Europe in the Renaissance: Metamorphoses, 1400--1600” Alexandra Bettag
Featured Review: Philipp Ther, Europe Since 1989: A History Noel D. Cary
Book Reviews
David Luebke, Hometown Religion: Regimes of Coexistence in Early Modern Westphalia Gary K. Waite
Joel F. Harrington, ed., The Executioner’s Journal: Meister Frantz Schmidt of the Imperial City of Nuremberg Jared Poley
David Brodbeck, Defining Deutschtum: Political Ideology, German Identity, and Music-Critical Discourse in Liberal Vienna Hugh Agnew
Greg Eghigian, The Corrigible and the Incorrigible: Science, Medicine, and the Convict in Twentieth-Century Germany Frank Biess
Mark Cornwall and John Paul Newman, eds., Sacrifice and Rebirth: The Legacy of the Last Habsburg War Benjamin Ziemann
Alex J. Kay, The Making of an SS Killer: The Life of Colonel Alfred Filbert, 1905-1990 Christopher Dillon
Christoph Kreutzmüller, Final Sale in Berlin: The Destruction of Jewish Commercial Activity 1930-1945 Pamela Swett
Rainer Orth,“Der Amtsstiz der Opposition”? Politik und Staatsumbaupläne im Büro des Stellvertreters des Reichskanzlers in den Jahren 1933-1934 Larry Eugene Jones
Jonathan Petropoulos, Artists Under Hitler: Collaboration and Survival in Nazi Germany Barbara Copeland Buenger
Lisa Pine, ed., Life and Times in Nazi Germany Michelle Mouton
Fabien Théofilakis, Les prisonniers de guerre allemands. France, 1944-1949 Talbot C. Imlay
Svenja Goltermann. The War in Their Minds: German Soldiers and Their Violent Pasts in West Germany Jay Lockenour
Moisés Prieto, Zwischen Apologie und Ablehnung. Schweizer Spanien-Wahrnehmung vom späten Franco-Regime bis zur Demokratisierung (1969-1982) Gerald J. Steinacher
Arndt Engelhardt et al., eds., Ein Paradigma der Moderne. Jüdische Geschichte in Schlüsselbegriffen Thomas Pegelow Kaplan