The latest issue of Central European History went live online on September 28.
Volume 50 / Issue 03, Sept. 2017, pp. i-iv, 303-445.
The issue can be accessed at
Please note in particular the special forum marking the anniversaries of the Historikerstreit and the Goldhagen "affair," with contributions from Richard Evans, Timothy Snyder, Mary Fulbrook, and others.
The Letter from the Editor, which provides an overview of the issue, is available gratis at
Abstracts in English and German are also available for each article at no cost.
Table of Contents
Men of Science and Action: The Celebrity of Explorers and German National Identity, 1870–1895 (Matthew Unangst)
The Death of News? The Problem of Paper in the Weimar Republic (Heidi J. S. Tworek)
Revisiting Morale under the Bombs: The Gender of Affect in Darmstadt, 1942–1945 (Katrin Schreiter)
Holocaust Scholarship and Politics in the Public Sphere: Reexamining the Causes, Consequences, and Controversy of the Historikerstreit and the Goldhagen Debate: A Forum with Gerrit Dworok, Richard J. Evans, Mary Fulbrook, Wendy Lower, A. Dirk Moses, Jeffrey K. Olick, Timothy D. Snyder (Annotated and with an Introduction by Andrew I. Port)
Featured Review
Janosch Steuwer, “Ein Drittes Reich, wie ich es auffasse”: Politik, Gesellschaft und privates Leben in Tagebüchern, 1933–1939 (Joachim Häberlen)
Book Reviews
Celia Applegate, The Necessity of Music: Variations on a German Theme (Margaret Eleanor Menninger)
Börris Kuzmany, Brody: A Galician Border City in the Long Nineteenth Century (Andriy Zayarnyuk)
Rebekka Habermas, Thieves in Court: The Making of the German Legal System in the Nineteenth Century (Kenneth F. Ledford)
Thomas Adam, Philanthropy, Civil Society, and the State in German History, 1815–1989 (Beate Althammer)
Beate Althammer, Lutz Raphael, and Tamara Stazic-Wendt, eds., Rescuing the Vulnerable: Poverty, Welfare and Social Ties in Modern Europe (Thomas Adam)
Ann Taylor Allen, The Transatlantic Kindergarten: Education and Women’s Movements in Germany and the United States (Marjorie Lamberti)
Hans-Erich Volkmann, Die Polenpolitk des Kaiserreichs. Prolog zum Zeitalter der Weltkriege (Roland Spickermann)
Jürgen Angelow and Johannes Grossman, eds., Wandel, Umbruch, Absturz: Perspektiven auf das Jahr 1914 (Marvin Benjamin Fried)
Marvin Benjamin Fried, Austro-Hungarian War Aims in the Balkans during World War One (John Paul Newman)
Stephan Lehnstaedt, Occupation in the East: The Daily Lives of German Occupiers in Warsaw and Minsk, 1939–1944 (Waitman Wade Beorn)
Manuel Borutta and Jan C. Jansen, eds., Vertriebene and Pieds-Noirs in Postwar Germany and France: Comparative Perspectives (Andrew Demshuk)
Johannes Großmann, Die Internationale der Konservativen. Transnationale Elitenzirkel und private Außenpolitik in Westeuropa seit 1945 (Riccardo Bavaj)
Franziska Kuschel, Schwarzhörer, Schwarzseher und heimliche Leser. Die DDR und die Westmedien (Yuliya Komska)
Paul Nolte, Hans-Ulrich Wehler: Historiker und Zeitgenosse (Geoff Eley)
Birgit Metzger, “Erst stirbt der Wald, dann du!” Das Waldsterben als westdeutsches Politikum (1978–1986) (Sylvia Taschka)