Titel der Ausgabe 
Historisches Forum 16 (2015)
Weiterer Titel 
The Status Quo of the Digital Humanities

ca. 3-4 Hefte pro Jahr



Historisches Forum
H-Soz-u-Kult Redaktion Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin hsk.redaktion@geschichte.hu-berlin.de
Meyer, Thomas

Today, Digital Humanities are viewed from different perspectives: as an academic subject or discipline with a distinct agenda; as a bundle of research methods; as a communication, information and publication infrastructure; as a practice that changes our epistemologies; or simply as a label to take part in funding programmes. Debates arise whether all forms of digitization of our research and teaching can be considered Digital Humanities (which would mean that we are all digital humanists), or whether only systematic and self-reflexive research approaches using expert software that advance our research methodologies should count as Digital Humanities – and where to draw the dividing line between these two areas. Obviously, there is a wide range of qualified answers to this question, and consensus between different disciplines and countries varies widely.
With the process of institutionalization underway or well advanced in numerous European countries, we – the editors of the German information platform for historians H-Soz-Kult – think that a review and evaluation of the evolution of Digital Humanities in Europe is a timely task.


H-Soz-Kult Redaktion
The Status Quo of Digital Humanities in Europe - 1

Thomas Nygren, Anna Foka, Philip Buckland
The Status Quo of Digital Humanities in Sweden: Past, Present and Future of Digital History - 7

Daniel Alves
From "Humanities and Computing"to "Digital Humanities": Digital Humanities in Portugal with a focus on Historical Research - 40

Joris van Zundert, Karina van Dalen-Oskam
Digital Humanities in the Netherlands - 62

Helen Gardikas-Katsiadakis
The Status Quo of Digital Humanities in Greece - 77

Irina Garskova
The Past and Present of Digital Humanities: A View from Russia - 89

Eliane Kurmann, Enrico Natale
Vernetzter Geist? Stand und Tendenzen der Digital Humanities in der Schweiz - 110

Paul Spence, Elena Gonzalez-Blanco
A historical perspective on the digital humanities in Spain - 136

Jurij Hadalin
The Slovenian Digital Humanities Landscape ? A Brief Overview - 154

Espen S. Ore
Some thoughts on Digital Humanities in Norway - 169