H-Net reviews posted to the web 04 May 2009 – 18 May 2009

H-Net Reviews

Publisher H-Net (Michigan State University): East Lansing, MI, USA <http://www.h-net.org/>
[mehr bei Clio-online]

Hohls, Rüdiger

H-Net Reviews

The following reviews were posted to the H-Net web site between 04 May 2009 and 18 May 2009.

Reviewed for H-Asia by Saloni Mathur
Hancock, Mary Elizabeth. _Politics of Heritage from Madras to
Chennai, The_. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008. xi
+ 277 pp. $39.95, ISBN 978-0-253-35223-1.

Reviewed for H-Buddhism by Mario D'Amato
Buescher, Hartmut. Inception of Yog?c?ra-Vijñ?nav?da, The.
Beiträge zur Kultur- und Geistesgeschichte Asiens Series, vol. 62.
Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
2008. xxix +229 pp. $74.00, ISBN 978-3-7001-6099-1.

Reviewed for H-Canada by Ian McCulloch
Grenier, John. _Far Reaches of Empire: War in Nova Scotia, 1710-
1760, The_. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2008. xvi
+ 270 pp. $34.95, ISBN 978-0-8061-3876-3.

Reviewed for H-Canada by Sean Carleton
Miller, Bruce Granville, ed.. _Be of Good Mind: Essays on the
Coast Salish_. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2008.
323 pp. $29.95, ISBN 978-0-7748-1324-2.

Reviewed for H-Diplo by Jussi Hanhimaki
Siniver, Asaf. _Nixon, Kissinger, and U.S. Foreign Policy Making:
The Machinery of Crisis_. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2008. xvi + 252 pp. Illustrations. $80.00, ISBN 978-0-521-89762-4.

Reviewed for H-GAGCS by Frank Schumacher
Daum, Andreas W.. Kennedy in Berlin. Washington, D.C.: German
Historical Institute, 2008. xxii + 294 pp. $70.00, ISBN 978-0-

Reviewed for H-GAGCS by James M. Bergquist
Mizruchi, Susan L.. _Rise of Multicultural America: Economy and
Print Culture, 1865-1915, The_. Chapel Hill: University of North
Carolina Press, 2008. 355 pp. $65.00, ISBN 978-0-8078-3250-9.

Reviewed for H-German by Andrew Beattie
Schmid, Harald. _Antifaschismus und Judenverfolgung: Die
"Reichskristallnacht" als politischer Gedenktag in der DDR_.
Hannah-Arendt-Institut für Totalitarismusforschung Berichte und
Studien. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2004. 153 pp. EUR 16.80, ISBN

Reviewed for H-German by Angela Smith
Lindberg, David C.. _Beginnings of Western Science: The European
Scientific Tradition in Philosophical, Religious, and
Institutional Context, Prehistory to A.D. 1450, The_. Second
edition. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2007. xvi + 488
pp. $25.00, ISBN 978-0-226-48205-7.

Reviewed for H-German by Dani Kranz
Bodemann, Y. Michal, ed.. _New German Jewry and the European
Context: The Return of the European Jewish Diaspora, The_. New
Perspectives in German Studies. New York: Palgrave Macmillan,
2008. x + 201 pp. $85.00, ISBN 978-0-230-52107-0.

Reviewed for H-German by David A. Meier
Hockenos, Paul. _Joschka Fischer and the Making of the Berlin
Republic: An Alternative History of Postwar Germany_. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, 2008. ix + 372 pp. Illustrations , ISBN

Reviewed for H-German by David J. Collins, S.J.
Rowland, Ingrid D.. Giordano Bruno: Philosopher/Heretic. New
York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2008. 282 pp. $27.00, ISBN 978-0-

Reviewed for H-German by Eliah M. Bures
Kiesel, Helmuth. Ernst Jünger: Die Biographie. Berlin:
Siedler Verlag, 2007. 717 pp. , ISBN 978-3-88680-852-6.

Reviewed for H-German by Eric Ehrenreich
Haar, Ingo; Fahlbusch, Michael, unter Mitarbeit von Matthias Berg.
_Handbuch der völkischen Wissenschaften: Personen - Institutionen
- Forschungsprogramme - Stiftungen_. München: K.G. Saur, 2008.
846 S. $269.00, ISBN 978-3-598-11778-7.

Reviewed for H-German by Eric J. Engstrom
Cowan, Michael J.. _Cult of the Will: Nervousness and German
Modernity_. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press,
2008. ix + 343 pp. $65.00, ISBN 978-0-271-03206-1.

Reviewed for H-German by Georgi Verbeeck
Wagner, Richard. _Der deutsche Horizont: Vom Schicksal eines
guten Landes_. Berlin: Aufbau Verlag, 2006. 399 pp. , ISBN 978-

Reviewed for H-German by Gregory P. Shealy
Strassmann, W. Paul. _Strassmanns: Science, Politics, and
Migration in Turbulent Times, 1793-1993, The_. New York: Berghahn
Books, 2008. xv + 262 pp. Illustrations. $49.95, ISBN 978-1-

Reviewed for H-German by James V. Koch
Sebag-Montefiore, Hugh. Dunkirk: Fight to the Last Man.
Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2006. xvii + 701 pp.
$35.00, ISBN 978-0-674-02439-7.

Reviewed for H-German by Jesse Kauffman
Watson, Alexander. _Enduring the Great War: Combat, Morale and
Collapse in the German and British Armies, 1914-1918_. Cambridge
Military History Series. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,
2008. xv + 288 pp. $99.00, ISBN 978-0-521-88101-2.

Reviewed for H-German by Jonathan Kwan
Sauer, Walter, ed.. _Von Soliman zu Omofuma: Afrikanische
Diaspora in Österreich 17. bis 20. Jahrhundert_. Innsbruck:
StudienVerlag, 2007. 269 pp. EUR 29.90, ISBN 978-3-7065-4057-5.

Reviewed for H-German by Jörg Arnold
Priwitzer, Martin. Ernst Kretschmer und das Wahnproblem.
Contubernium: Tübinger Beiträge zur Universitäts- und
Wissenschaftsgeschichte. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 2007. xiii
+ 314 pp. , ISBN 978-3-515-08562-5.

Reviewed for H-German by Julia S. Wagner
Lillteicher, Jürgen. _Raub, Recht und Restitution: Die
Rückerstattung jüdischen Eigentums in der frühen Bundesrepublik_.
Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag, 2007. 559 pp. , ISBN 978-3-8353-

Reviewed for H-German by Keith Bullivant
Firchow, Peter Edgerly. _Strange Meetings: Anglo-German Literary
Encounters from 1910 to 1960_. Washington, DC: Catholic
University of America Press, 2008. xiii + 283 pp. $64.95, ISBN

Reviewed for H-German by Margy Gerber
Kauders, Anthony D.. _Unmögliche Heimat: Eine deutsch-jüdische
Geschichte der Bundesrepublik_. Munich: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt,
2007. 302 pp. , ISBN 978-3-421-05924-6.

Reviewed for H-German by Paul Peucker
Warner-Lewis, Maureen. _Archibald Monteath: Igbo, Jamaican,
Moravian._. Kingston: University of West Indies Press, 2007. 367
pp. $40.00, ISBN 978-976-640-197-9.

Reviewed for H-German by Perry Myers
Göbel, Walter; Seeber, Hans Ulrich; Windisch, Martin, eds..
Conrad in Germany. Conrad: Eastern and Western Perspectives.
Boulder: Eastern European Monographs, 2007. 285 pp. $40.00, ISBN

Reviewed for H-German by Roderick Stackelberg
Nicosia, Francis R.. Zionism and Anti-Semitism in Nazi Germany.
Cambridge University Press, 2008. xiv + 324 pp. $85.00, ISBN

Reviewed for H-German by Stephen G. Fritz
Gorbachevsky, Boris. _Through the Maelstrom: A Red Army Soldier's
War on the Eastern Front, 1942-1945_. Edited and translated by
Stuart Britton. With foreword by David M. Glantz. Lawrence:
University Press of Kansas, 2008. xix + 453 pp. $36.95, ISBN

Reviewed for H-HistGeog by Coll Thrush
Arnold, David F.. _Fishermen's Frontier: People and Salmon in
Southeast Alaska, The_. Seattle: University of Washington Press,
2008. Illustrations. xvii + 267 pp. $35.00, ISBN 978-0-295-

Reviewed for H-Human-Rights by Jean Quataert
Ackerly, Brooke A.. _Universal Human Rights in a World of
Difference_. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. xiii
+ 373 pp. $90.00, ISBN 978-0-521-88126-5.

Reviewed for H-Italy by Cheryl Bradbee
Segre, Ada V.. _Gardens at San Lorenzo in Piacenza, 1656-1665,
The_. Washington, DC: Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and
Collection, 2006. 107 pp. $95.00, ISBN 978-0-88402-302-9.

Reviewed for H-Italy by Christopher Carlsmith
Liebreich, Karen. _Fallen Order: Intrigue, Heresy, and Scandal in
the Rome of Galileo and Caravaggio_. New York: Grove Press, 2004.
xxxii + 336 pp. Illustrations. $25.00, ISBN 978-0-8021-1784-7.

Reviewed for H-Italy by Elizabeth Cohen
Storey, Tessa. Carnal Commerce in Counter-Reformation Rome.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2008. xvi + 296 pp.
$99.00, ISBN 978-0-521-84433-8.

Reviewed for H-Italy by Tommaso Astarita
Storrs, Christopher. _Resilience of the Spanish Monarchy, 1665-
1700, The_. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. 288 pp.
$140.00, ISBN 978-0-19-924637-3.

Reviewed for H-Japan by Roberto Padilla III
Chaiklin, Martha. _Cultural Commerce and Dutch Commercial
Culture: The Influence of European Material Culture on Japan,
1700-1850_. Leiden: Research School, 2003. 275 pp. No price
listed, ISBN 978-90-5789-086-4.

Reviewed for H-SAfrica by Céline Vacchiani-Marcuzzo
Cling, Jean-Pierre. _L'economie sud-africaine au sortir de
l'apartheid_. Paris: Karthala, 2000. 259 pp. $49.00, ISBN 978-

Reviewed for H-Southern-Lit by Ted Atkinson
Brinkmeyer Jr, Robert H.. _Fourth Ghost: White Southern Writers
and European Fascism, 1930-1950, The_. Southern Literary Studies
Series. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 2009. xv
+ 413 pp. $49.95, ISBN 978-0-8071-3383-5.

Reviewed for H-War by Jasmin L. Johnson
White, Michelle A.. Henrietta Maria And the English Civil Wars.
Aldershot, England: Ashgate, 2006. xiv + 224 pp. $99.95, ISBN

Reviewed for H-Water by Eliza L. Martin
Royte, Elizabeth. _Bottlemania: How Water Went on Sale and Why We
Bought It_. London: Bloomsbury, 2008. 248 pp. $24.99, ISBN 978-

Reviewed for H-Water by Margaret A. Bickers
Nie, Martin. _Governance of Western Public Lands: Mapping Its
Present and Future, The_. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas,
2008. xii + 368 pp. $39.95, ISBN 978-0-7006-1558-2.

Reviewed for H-Women by Alla Gaydukova
Sanok, Catherine. Her Life Historical. Philadelphia:
University of Pennsylvania Press, 2007. 280 pp. $55.00, ISBN

Reviewed for H-Women by Leslie Working
MacKell, Jan. _Brothels, Bordellos, and Bad Girls: Prostitution
in Colorado, 1860-1930._. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico
Press, 2007. 320 pp. $18.95, ISBN 978-0-8263-3343-8.


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