Europe's economic relations with the Islamic world. XXXVIII Study Week

Europe's economic relations with the Islamic world. XXXVIII Study Week

Istituto Internazionale di Storia Economica "F. Dantini"
Prato, Italy
Vom - Bis
01.05.2006 - 05.05.2006
Cavaciocchi, Simonetta

The Study Weeks

They take place every year in Prato with a defined cadence (beginning: third Monday after Easter). Every year, about 200 scholars form all over the world participate. The themes to deal with are selected by the Sientific Committee some years in advance. The theme of the XXXVIIth Study Week, which took place from April 11th to 15th 2005, was: "Ricchezza del mare. Ricchezza dal mare. Secc. XIII-XVIII" (Richness of the sea. Richness from the sea. XIIIth-XVIIIth centuries). The next Study Week, which will take place from May 1st to 5th 2006, will discuss about "Economic relations between Europe and the Islamic world. XIIIth-XVIIIth centuries".

The works are divided into reports and communications. The first ones are dedicated to general interventions, while the last one, which are chiefly reserved to young scholars, are the first presentation of original researches in progress. A lot of space for discussion is scheduled. Participation is opened to those who are interested.

By sending to our secretary the participation form in due time, the Institute can also take care about the hotel reservation at the special prices agreed with the receptive structures. During the convention, except for the opening session, there will be the translation into Italian, English, French and German.
To encourage the participation of young scholars, the Institute places 20 study grants at their disposal.

It is possible to book the Acts which will be published on spring 2007 with a special price of euros 35 (instead euros 50). Those who will have done the reservation will receive a password which will allow them, if interested, starting from next April 1 to 31, to read and to download from our website the provisional texts of the relations and communications presented during the convention, in .pdf format. remote loading of the program 'Adobe Acrobat Reader'


Monday, 1 May 2006

10.00, Sala Maggiore of Palazzo Comunale
Ceremony of opening of the meeting.
Welcome by the Mayor and by the President of the Institute.
Welcome by the President of the Scientific Committee

Inaugural speech.
Miguel Ángel Ladero Quesada (Madrid), Relazioni economiche tra Europa e mondo islamico. Secc. XIII-XVIII

12.00, Palazzo Comunale
Pre-lunch drinks offered by the municipal administration to the people attending the meeting.

15.00, Palazzo Novellucci

Muslims in Europe

Nenad Moacanin (Zagreb), Demographical Trends in the Ottoman Empire in Europe and their Impact on Economy: neither the West, nor the East

Giuseppe Cossuto (Ankara), Affinità e divergenze nel sistema di tassazione ottomano applicato agli stati vassalli di Moldavia, Valacchia e Crimea nei secoli XV-XVII

Kyrillos Nikolaou (Paris), Géopolitique d'une Europe extrême : Chypre, base commerciale et consulaire indispensable aux Portes de l'Orient, 13ème-18ème siècles


Concepción Villanueva Morte (Zaragoza), El mundo mudéjar y el comercio terrestre entre los reinos de Aragón y Valencia en el siglo XV

Carmen Trillo San José (Granada), Organización del espacio agrícola y del agua en la Granada nazarí (siglos XIII-XV)
Roser Salicrú i Lluch (Barcelona), ¿Repensando Granada? Presencia y penetración diferencial cristiana en el sultanato nazarí en la Baja Edad Media

Tuesday, 2 May 2006

Europeans in the Islamic world, 13th to 18th centuries

09.00, Palazzo Novellucci

David Jacoby (Jerusalem), The Economic Function of the Crusader States of the Levant: a New Approach

Michel Balard (Paris), Les relations économiques entre l'Occident et le Monde islamique à la fin du Moyen Age. Quelques remarques.

Benjamin Braude (Boston College), Christians, Jews, and the Myth of Turkish Commercial Incompetence

Andrew M. Watson (Toronto), A Case of Non-diffusion. The Failure of Muslims in Spain and Sicily to Adopt the Mixed (or Integrated) Farming System of Christian Europe

José Enrique López de Coca Castañer (Malaga), Génova y el Reino de Granada (siglos XIII-XV)

Ugo Tucci (Venezia), Mercanti veneziani e usi di piazza di Alessandria alla fine del Quattrocento

15.00, Palazzo Novellucci


Enrico Basso (Genova), La Maona di Chio, Genova e l'Impero Ottomano: relazioni commerciali e intrecci diplomatici fra Tardo Medioevo e prima Età moderna

Enrica Salvatori (Pisa), Relazioni tra Pisa e l'Islam tra XIII e XV secolo

Maria Grazia Rosaria Mele (Cagliari), Frontiere mediterranee della Corona di Spagna nella prima metà del secolo XVI

Manuel Ruzafa García (Valencia), La morería de Valencia: centro económico mudéjar en área de convergencia cristiana y musulmana mediterránea (1370-1500)

Maria Filomena Lopes de Barros (Évora), The Portuguese Muslim Minority and North Africa

Marie-Carmen Smyrnelis (MSH, Paris), « Colonies » et « nations » européennes dans l'Empire ottoman (XVIIe-XVIIIe siècles). L'exemple des Français et des Anglais à Smyrne

Svetlana Ivanova (Sofia), Everywhere Minorities, Everywhere Merchants (A Comparison of the Ethno Corporate Network of the Greek, Jewish, and Armenian Merchants in the Ottoman Empire and Outside Its Borders during the 17th and 18th C.)

Wednesday, 3 May 2006

European policies and rivalries for economic supremacy in the Islamic World and the islamic reactions (Africa and the Middle East)
Nature and volume of the commercial relationship between Europe and islamic world.

09.00, Palazzo Novellucci

Maya Shatzmiller (Western Ontario), A Misconstrued Link: Europe and the Economic History of Islamic Trade

María Dolores López Pérez (Barcelona), Política y comercio en el Mediterráneo occidental medieval: la conformación del cuadro diplomático y su repercusión en los intercambios económicos Magreb-Corona de Aragón (ss. XIII-XV)

Ian Blanchard (Edinburgh, Budapest), African Gold and European Specie Markets, c. 1300 - c. 1800

Eloi Martín Corrales (Barcelona), Le commerce d'Espagne avec les pays musulmans de la Méditerranée (1492-1830): des transactions avec les ennemis de la foi aux affaires avec des associés musulmans

Bernard Vincent (EHESS, Paris), Captivité, esclavage, emancipation en Espagne et au Portugal (XVIe-XVIIe siècles)

Jan Parmentier (Ghent), European Maritime Trade Relations with the Red Sea in the 17th and 18th Centuries and Its Social-economic Effects on the European Consumption Pattern

Michel Fontenay (Paris Sorbonne), Le commerce des Occidentaux dans les échelles du Levant au XVIIe siècle

15.00, Palazzo Novellucci
Communications :

Ingrid Houssaye Michienzi (IUE, Firenze), Les efforts des compagnies Datini pour établir des relations avec les pays du Maghreb, fin XIVe - debut XVe siècle

Philippe Gourdin (Amiens), Les pays du Maghreb et la rivalité entre Catalans et Italiens pour dominer les routes commerciales de Méditarranée occidentale (fin XIVe-début XVe siècle)

Momcilo Spremic (Beograd), Relazioni economiche fra Dubrovnik (Ragusa) e il mondo islamico dal XIII al XV secolo

Francisco Apellaniz (IUE, Firenze), Crise financière et rapports internationaux: La faillite des corporations européennes dans le sultanat mamelouk (1450-1517)

Photis Baroutsos (Corfù), Population Mobility in Crete within the Framework of Venetian-Turkish Relations (1470-1645)

Anne Brogini (Ecole Française de Rome), Echanges marchands, île-relais: Malte et la rive musulmane aux XVIe et XVIIe siècles

Thursday, 4 May 2006

Institutional and technological transmissions.
Comparative evolution of institutions and techniques: mutual influence and interactions.

09.00, Palazzo Novellucci

Murat Çizakça (Istanbul), Comparative Evolution and Cross-Cultural Borrowing of Institutions: Islamic World and the West from the Seventh Century to the Present

Ehud R. Toledano (Tel Aviv), The Shifting Patterns of Ottoman Enslavement in the Early Modern Period: From European to African-Caucasian

William Gervase Clarence-Smith (London), Scientific and Technological Interchanges between Europe and the Islamic World , c. 1450-c. 1800

Ricardo Córdoba de la Llave (Córdoba), Las técnicas industriales de al-Andalus: un legado de larga duración

Rossitsa Gradeva (Sofia), 'Frenk' Objects in the Everyday Life of Balkan Muslims, 17th-18th centuries

15.00, Palazzo Novellucci

Alberto García Porras (Granada), Transmisiones tecnológicas entre el área islámica y cristiana en la Península Ibérica. El caso de la producción cerámica esmaltada de lujo bajomedieval (ss. XIII-XV)

Salim Ayduz (Fatih University, Turkey), Firearm and Munitions Trade between the Ottoman Empire and some European States. 1350-1600

M. Sait Özervarli (Istanbul), Arabic and Islamic Printed Books in Europe during the 16th-17th Centuries and their Transmission to the Ottoman Land

Sadouk Boubaker (Tunis), Usages de la lettre de change à Smyrne dans la deuxième moitié du XVIIIèmè siècle: l'exemple de la maison Roux de Marseille, 1759-1789

Antoni Riera Melis (Barcelona), La difusión del cultivo i del consumo del arroz en las riberas meditarráneas ibéricas, siglo XIII-XV

18.30, Museo del Tessuto
Opening of the exibition:

Il tessuto come dizionario di rapporti economici, culturali e sociali

Friday, 5 may 2006

Monetary relationship between Europe and islamic world.

09.00, Palazzo Novellucci

Alan M. Stahl (Princeton), European Minting and the Balance of Payments with the Islamic World in the Later Middle Ages

John Munro (Toronto), South German Silver, European Textiles, Warfare and Venetian Trade with the Levant and Ottoman Empire, c. 1370 to c. 1720: a Non-mercantilist Approach to the Balance of Payments Problem

Erol Özvar (Marmara Univ.), The Effects of Changing International Trade Routes on the Finance of the Ottoman State (XVIth-XVIIth Centuries)

Bogdan Murgescu (Bucarest), Balances of trade and payments between the Ottoman Empire and Central Europe (16th -18th centuries)

Angela Orlandi (Firenze), Oro e monete da Costantinopoli a Firenze in alcuni documenti toscani (secoli XV-XVI)

Andrej Ponomarev (Moscow), Silver In, Silver Out: Principles for Calculating Outflow of a Medieval Currency

Michal Tymowski (Warszawa), Impact de la révolution des prix en Europe du XVIe s. sur les transformations économiques à Tombouctou et dans le bassin du Niger moyen

12.30 Palazzo Novellucci
Pre-lunch drinks of greeting to people attending the meeting.


Palazzo Benini
Via Muzzi 38
I - 59100 PRATO
Tel. 0574 604187 - Fax 0574 604297
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