Europe in Upheaval. The Era of the Napoleonic Wars

Europe in Upheaval. The Era of the Napoleonic Wars

Finnish Historical Society in co-operation with Prime Minister’s Office, Hanasaari Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre and The Nordic Commission of Military History
Hanasaari Swedish-Finnish Cultural Centre
Espoo (Finland)
Vom - Bis
21.02.2008 - 23.02.2008
Wassholm, Johanna

We are pleased to announce a call for papers for an international conference Europe in Upheaval – The Era of the Napoleonic Wars organised by the Finnish Historical Society. The war period at the turn of the 19th century affected all European countries and brought about far-reaching political, economic and social changes. States and Empires were altered and new borders drawn; moreover, both armies and civil societies were transformed. Among the many European regions affected by the transformation period was Finland. As a result of the Russo-Swedish War of 1808–09 Finland was formed into an autonomous Grand Duchy under Russian rule, having been an integral part of the Swedish realm since the 12th century.

Since the 19th century historians have displayed an interest in the consequences of the geopolitical turning-point, offering a number of differing and contested interpretations regarding its significance for Finland’s historical development. In this respect, Finland is not unique; in many other parts of Europe the significance of this period is constantly debated and reinterpreted by scholars. The aim of the conference is to set the history of Finland in an international comparative perspective and analyse the significance and consequences of the era of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe. For the conference, the Finnish Historical Society calls for scholarly contributions on the transformation period in European and Northern European history.

Keynote speakers are: Professor Dominic Lieven (London School of Economics, UK), Professor Karen Hagemann (UNC Chapel Hill, USA), Professor Wadim Roginskij (Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia), Professor Marie-Pierre Rey (Université de Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, France), Dr. Martin Hårdstedt (University of Umeå, Sweden) and Professor Max Engman (Åbo Akademi University, Finland).

Participants are invited to present their papers in the following workshops:

Workshop 1: Military History (chair Dr. Martin Hårdstedt, Sweden)
Workshop 2: States, Nations and Empires (chair Prof. Risto Alapuro, Finland)
Workshop 3: Gender Order (chair Prof. Pirjo Markkola, Finland)
Workshop 4: Memory, Culture and War (chair Prof. Laura Kolbe, Finland)
Workshop 5: What if ... Counterfactual History (chair Prof. Nils Erik Villstrand, Finland)

The organisers encourage proposals for case studies, comparative analyses and theoretical reflections on the above-mentioned themes related to the era of the Napoleonic Wars in Europe. We welcome abstracts of no more than 300 words. The title should appear clearly at the top of the abstract, as well as the name of the workshop in which the author wishes to participate. Each proposal must also include full contact information.

Please submit your proposal by September 30, 2007 to
Accepted participants will be notified by October 20. There is no conference fee for participants presenting a paper.

Final papers should be sent by January 30.

For more information, please contact or

Detailed information about the conference and registration form will be available on October 20 on the URL site.

For more information, please, contact the congress secretary Johanna Wassholm,



Congress Secretary:
Johanna Wassholm
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