Third Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Social and Political Theorists

Third Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Social and Political Theorists

Universität Belgrad, Juristische Fakultät
Vom - Bis
25.03.2011 - 26.03.2011
Michael Hein

The Third Central and Eastern European Forum for Young Legal, Social and Political Theorists is in 2011 moving to Belgrade! More precisely, it is coming to the Faculty of Law, University of Belgrade.

Ever since its inception in 1808, the Faculty of Law offered in its curriculum courses dealing with legal theory and political philosophy. This theoretical tradition was developed under the strong influence of the major European continental schools of thought, most notably German and French, not least due to the fact that a number of future professors at the Belgrade Faculty of Law received their doctoral degrees at some of the prestigious universities in those countries. With the ever-growing influence of the Anglo-American theorists in the second half of the last century, this has become an additional source of inspiration for the development of legal, social and political theoretical thought at the Belgrade Faculty of Law. Rooted in this myriad of influences and oriented towards regional and global cooperation, the present Department for Theory, Philosophy and Sociology of Law of the Belgrade Faculty of Law is an ideal organizational focal point for the third venue of the Forum. It will be additionally supported by the organizational assistance of the Serbian section of the IVR.

Third Forum will be organized in the year of several tremendously important anniversaries for all those interested in the topics of legal theory and political philosophy. We will celebrate 100 years from the publication of the first important theoretical account of Hans Kelsen – Hauptprobleme der Staatsrechtslehre (1911). Furthermore, we will mark the 50-years anniversary of one of the most important contemporary books in legal theory – Herbert Hart’s The Concept of Law. Finally, 2011 Forum will also be an opportunity to assess the 40-years heritage of the most influential 20th century account of justice – John Rawls’s A Theory of Justice. In that respect, our intention is to organize majority of workshops within the two major general panels of the Third Forum – 20th Century Legacy of Legal Positivism and Justice after Rawls. Even though these two general themes are broad enough to meet diverse interests of the Forum’s participants, the organizers will, nonetheless, also convene the so-called Open panel for papers that might target some other interesting topics from the vast area of legal, political and social theory.

As in the previous Forums, the target audience of the conference are junior legal, political and social theorists coming from, currently studying or working in Central and Eastern Europe. The conference language is English. An up to 500 words abstract, indicating the preferable general panel, should be submitted in the available application form by 15 February to the e-mail Acceptance of the papers will be communicated by 1 March 2011. Participation without presentation is possible as well.

The conference fee for all participants is 50 Euros and it covers conference material, three meals, and coffee and snacks during the breaks (payment instructions). Participants shall make arrangements and pay for their accommodation individually. In addition to offering some options for lodging at the conference website, the organizers will try to negotiate some subsidized prices for the conference participants. For all the updated information, visit the conference website.

We are happy and eager to host you in Belgrade next spring!



Miodrag Jovanović

University of Belgrade, Faculty of Law, Bulevar kralja Aleksandra 67, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia