GLOBALCIT Annual Conference "Rights and Status. The Role of Citizenship in Immigrant Integration and Diaspora Building"

GLOBALCIT Annual Conference "Rights and Status. The Role of Citizenship in Immigrant Integration and Diaspora Building"

GLOBALCIT - European University Institute’s Global Governance Programme (GGP), University of Edinburgh and the Maastricht Center for Citizenship, Migration and Development (MACIMIDE)
Vom - Bis
29.11.2018 - 30.11.2018
Rainer Bauböck

Migrants frequently enjoy rights both in their relations to their countries of residence and of origin. How do these rights impact on the conditions under which they can change their citizenship status and on their motivation to do so? Are the rights of non - citizen residents a substitute for citizenship status or pathways to naturalisation? How do the rights of non-resident citizens relate to the ease of acquisition and the limits for retaining citizenship abroad? We call for papers studying how migrants’ rights and statuses are connected both in contexts of immigration and emigration and for individual migrants as well as from the perspective of states. We encourage specifically submission of comparative papers that use GLOBALCIT databases and indicators for citizenship laws and electoral rights. Quantitative and qualitative comparisons are equally welcome.

Paper Proposals:
To submit a paper proposal, please submit the following, in the order listed below, all in a single Microsoft word file document, by
1 July 2018:
1. Applicant’s name, job title, affiliation, and contact information.
2. Paper title and abstract of 250 -500 words.
Please email complete applications to

Questions or clarifications prior to abstract submission should be directed to the same email address. Selected participants will be expected to submit their paper by 15 November and may be asked
to act as discussant of another paper.

The Global Citizenship Observatory (GLOBALCIT) is a web-platform and international network of experts that publishes databases, analyses, indicators and debates on citizenship status and electoral rights around the world. GLOBALCIT addresses the need to understand the varieties of citizenship laws and policies in a globalised world, where national perspectives no longer suffice to explain the transformations of membership and enables scholars, policy-makers, and the general public to critically analyse how citizenship connects people across international borders.

Unfortunately, neither the Global Citizenship Observatory nor the EUI can provide funds for travel or accommodation. Successful applicants should ensure that they are able to fund their
visit from their own institutional resource.



Rainer Bauböck
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