Manager "Re-Figuration of Spaces" (TU Berlin)

Manager "Re-Figuration of Spaces" (TU Berlin)

Technische Universitaet Berlin
Vom - Bis
01.04.2018 - 31.12.2021
Nina Baur

Work­ing field:
The lab man­ager will, firstly, con­duct an eth­no­graphic study of the sci­entific prac­tices and meth­od­o­lo­gical approaches used by the research­ers of the spe­cial research field’s sub-pro­jects. These res­ults of these ana­lyses will be part of a habil­it­a­tion pro­ject and shall be pub­lished. Secondly, the meth­ods’ lab will col­lab­or­ate with the already exist­ing meth­ods-net­work of the spe­cial research field and develop and test innov­at­ive meth­ods of spa­tial ana­lysis. The lab will focus on visual meth­ods and map­pings as ana­lyt­ical tool and method of present­ing research res­ults as well as com­par­at­ive meth­od­o­logy. The lab will also ini­tial­ize dis­cus­sion on mixed meth­ods research in spa­tial ana­lysis as well as integ­rat­ing spa­tial and pro­cess-ori­ented meth­od­o­logy. In order to achieve this, the meth­ods’ lab man­ager will organ­ize and mod­er­ate com­mu­nic­a­tion and net­work­ing between the spe­cial research field’s sub-pro­jects relat­ing meth­od­o­lo­gical issues. Amongst the tasks to ful­fill are: Coordin­a­tion with the spe­cial research field’s and the meth­ods-net­work’s chairs; organ­iz­ing and con­duct­ing net­work meet­ings, meth­ods’ work­shops and inter­dis­cip­lin­ary data ses­sions; coordin­at­ing pub­lic­a­tions on meth­od­o­lo­gical issues; as well as advising doc­toral stu­dents in meth­od­o­lo­gical issues (includ­ing par­ti­cip­at­ing in the internal gradu­ate school).

Suc­cess­fully com­pleted uni­versity degree (Mas­ter, Dip­lom or equi­val­ent) in the field of social sci­ences, human­it­ies or spa­tial ana­lysis and PhD (Pro­mo­tion), exper­i­ence in con­duct­ing eth­no­graph­ies; well-foun­ded know­ledge in visual meth­ods (e.g. video­graphy, car­to­graphic meth­ods, map­pings, meth­ods of archi­tec­tural ana­lysis, meth­ods of urban plan­ning); interest in mixed-meth­ods-research and quant­it­at­ive social research; will­ing­ness to work in a team; will­ing­ness to write a habil­it­a­tion.

Desired Addi­tional Qual­i­fic­a­tions: Know­ledge in spa­tial research in the social and plan­ning sci­ences; know­ledge of soci­ology of know­ledge or sci­ence; know­ledge of inter­dis­cip­lin­ary, cross-cul­tural, com­par­at­ive or his­tor­ical research; know­ledge of mixed meth­ods or quant­it­at­ive research; know­ledge of archiv­ing, research eth­ics and data pri­vacy reg­u­la­tions; exper­i­ence in organ­iz­ing inter­dis­cip­lin­ary research; flu­ent in Ger­man and Eng­lish.

How to ap­ply:
Please send your writ­ten applic­a­tion with the ref­er­ence num­ber and the usual doc­u­ments to Tech­nis­che Uni­versität Ber­lin - Der Präsid­ent - Fakultät VI, Institut für Soziologie, FG Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, Frau Langer, Sekr. FH 9-1, Frauenhoferstraße 33-36, 10587 Berlin or by e-mail to

To ensure equal oppor­tu­nit­ies bet­ween women and men, app­li­ca­ti­ons by women with the requi­red qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons are expli­citly desi­red.
Qua­li­fied indi­vi­du­als with disa­bi­li­ties will be favo­red.

Please send cop­ies only. Ori­gi­nal docu­ments will not be retur­ned.