Rechercheassistent/in (Bonn)

Rechercheassistent/in (Bonn)

UC Berkeley
Albert Manke

Prof. Dr. Robert Braun, a sociology professor at UC Berkeley, seeks qualified applicants for a position as Archival Data Collection Assistant for a research project in Bonn, Germany. This position offers an opportunity to gain first-hand experience in archival work and sociological research methods. Assistants work with faculty member to collect, clean and analyze data collected from local archives. They may also help write project reports, assist in the development of data collection protocols and help with other research assistant tasks as needed.

Interested candidates can apply by sending an email to Further information can be found at

Principal Duties and Responsibilities

- Data collection: Find and transcribe archival material located in an archive in Bonn.
- Data analysis: Work with data sets, prepare data for analysis.
- Literature Research: Assist faculty with literature reviews, drafting such reviews or portions of such reviews

Job Qualifications

Experience: Familiarity with archival work, figuring out hand writing and data management are strongly preferred. Experience with reading Fractur is preferred.

Communication: Good oral and writing communication skills in both the English and the German.

Education: This position is usually filled by those with a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree. However, excellent students in an earlier stage of their career will also be considered. Research assistants often have an interest in pursuing a doctoral degree in the future.

Hours & Compensation

The research assistant will be working on a project basis for either 40, 80 or 120 hours in total. Renewal is possible. Working hours are very flexible and can be agreed upon. Pay will be comparable with that of a the average PhD candidate in the social sciences at a German university.

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