1-2 Research and teaching positions "Medieval History of Religions" (University of Konstanz)

1-2 Research and teaching positions "Medieval History of Religions" (University of Konstanz)

University of Konstanz
Vom - Bis
01.10.2020 - 30.09.2023
Prof. Dr. Daniel G. Koenig

Job advertisement

Research and teaching position
in the medieval history of religions (f/m/d)
(E13 TV-L, 1 x 100 % or 2 x 50 %)

The position is available for a period of three years. It can either be filled by one post-doctoral researcher (100%) or two doctoral researchers (50% each).


Participation in the research activities of the chair for the medieval history of religions, whose particular focus lies in the field of Christian-Muslim relations and transmediterranean entanglement. The applicant is expected to contribute to the project of producing an anthology of primary sources on transmediterranean history.

teaching of undergraduate courses, either 4 (100% employment) or 2 (50% employment) teaching units in the field of medieval history.


The 50%-position as doctoral researcher requires a Master degree in the field of history. Its holder should pursue the goal of writing a PhD-thesis.

The 100%-position as post-doctoral researcher requires a PhD-degree and an appropriate number of academic publications depending on the candidate’s experience.

Excellent reading skills in Latin and modern European languages, specifically English and Romance languages. Reading skills in Arabic, Hebrew or other languages are not obligatory, but highly welcome. German skills are not required but will facilitate communication in and outside the university.

A general interest in wider questions of religious and social history, in particular the relations between Jews, Christians, and Muslims as well as the current repercussions of these historical relations.

Persons with disabilities are explicitly encouraged to apply. They will be given preference if appropriately qualified (contact + 49 7531 88-4016). The University of Konstanz is committed to ensuring an environment that provides equal opportunities and promotes diversity as well as a good balance between university and family life. As an equal opportunity employer, we strive to increase the number of women working in research and teaching. We also support working couples through our dual career programme (https://www.uni-konstanz.de/en/equalopportunities/family/dual-career/).

More detailed information is available from Prof. Dr. Daniel G. König. We look forward to receiving your application with the usual documents (letter of motivation, CV, list of publications, list of courses taught, and copies of your respective academic degree[s]) in one single pdf-file until 15 June 2020 via E-mail to Mrs Heidi Engelmann, heidi.engelmann@uni-konstanz.de, and Professor König daniel.g.koenig@uni-konstanz.de.

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