1 Postdoc Position "The Emergence of Relativism" (Vienna)

1 Postdoc Position "The Emergence of Relativism" (Vienna)

University of Vienna, Department of Philosophy, ERC Projekt "The Emergence of Relativism"
University of Vienna
Url (PDF/Website)
Prof. Martin Kusch

Call for Applications for 1 Postdoc Position (for three years, 40h per week, at €3.483 per month.)

The position is part of the ERC Advanced Grant Project “The Emergence of Relativism: Historical, Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives” (PI: Prof. Martin Kusch, University of Vienna).

We are looking for a philosopher, historian or sociologist working on:

- the history of the sociology of knowledge
- the history of some other social science (e.g. anthropology or economics)
- the history of psychological thought (in philosophy and in psychology)
- the history of philosophy of language and linguistics
- the history of cultural studies (“Kulturwissenschaften”), or
- some topic in contemporary philosophy relating to epistemic relativism

The historical topics should be focused on the German-speaking world in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and reflect on the role of relativistic motifs and themes.

Candidates of all nationalities are encouraged to apply; applications from women and people with impairments are especially welcome. The position does not involve a teaching obligation. The ability to work in an interdisciplinary team is important.

Only electronic submissions will be accepted. Applicants are requested to submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae (including list of publications), a research proposal on a topic related to the project (1500 words maximum), and two samples of writing (i.e. articles or book chapters, or thesis chapters).

The deadline for applications in May 30th.

Two letters by referees should be sent by May 30th directly to martin.kusch@univie.ac.at

Incomplete applications and applications arriving after the deadline will not be considered.

Shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in person or over Skype in June so as to allow for a start in July or August 2015.

Contracts will be issued for one year in the first instance; in case of satisfactory performance the contract will then be extended to cover the 3 years respectively.

Informal enquiries should be addressed to:
Martin Kusch <martin.kusch@univie.ac.at>

Contracts will be issued for one year in the first instance; in case of satisfactory performance the contract will then be extended to cover the
3 years respectively.

Informal enquiries should be addressed to:
Martin Kusch <martin.kusch@univie.ac.at>

Prof. Dr. Martin Kusch

ERC Advanced Grant Project (2014-2019):
"The Emergence of Relativism"

Department of Philosophy
University of Vienna
NIG Building (room C 208, 2nd floor)
Universitätsstraße 7
Phone (office): +43-1-4277-46422

Secretary: Mrs. Ernestine Umscheider (9am to 1pm) Phone (secretary): +43-1-4277-46402

Webpage: http://univie.academia.edu/MartinKusch/

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